School Aid
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Questions on the following documents should be directed to Noel Benson and Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analysts for the Education budget.
Key Documents and Links
FY 2025-26 Appropriation Bill Summaries
Special Reports
- Fiscal Brief: Special Education Funding December 21, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the special education program.
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Funding—FY 2023-24 Update November 29, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2023-24 Update November 9, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- Fiscal Brief: ARP Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the ARP Act.
- Fiscal Brief: CRRSA Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CRRSA Act.
- Federal COVID K-12 Education Related Allocations [480K] March 1, 2023. Prepared by: Jacqueline Mullen and Noel Benson
- Fiscal Snapshot: The Foundation Allowance January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Special Education Funding January 2023
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Pupil Funding [267K] January 31, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2022-23 Update January 18, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- Fiscal Brief: CARES Act Education-Related Allocations November 25, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CARES Act.
- Fiscal Brief: K-12 Education During COVID-19: Return to Learn and Funding Provisions November 20, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Jenny McInerney, Senior Legislative Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the Return to Learn package and additional appropriations intended to address K-12 schooling needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Fiscal Brief: Proration of Payments Under the School Aid Act [474] May 12, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of automatic proration under Sec. 296 of the School Aid Act.
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Pupil Funding [215K] November 13, 2018. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director, Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2018-19 Update [770K] November 7, 2018. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director, Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- School Aid: Proposal A Overview [159K], March 2017. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director. This powerpoint presentation gives detailed information on the School Aid: Proposal A.
- Detroit Public Schools Historical Budget Trends Presentation [246K], February 24, 2016. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This presentation gives detailed information on the historical budget trends for the Detroit Public Schools.
- Basics of the Foundation allowance - FY 2015-16 Update [178K], February 15, 2016. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo provides detailed information on the Basics of the Foundation Allowance for FY 2015-16.
- Detroit Public Schools Funding Program [157K], February 11, 2016. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo provides a brief overview of the funding plan for Detroit Public Schools under the Executive Recommendation.
- Detroit Public Schools Budget Trends [187K], October 25, 2015 prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memorandum provides a summary of Detroit Public Schools' (DPS) current fiscal situation, a summary of historical trends in the district's budget, as well as a brief history of the changes in the district's budget authority and governance.
- Changes in K-12 Funding [98K], February 11, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo gives detailed information on the Changes in K-12 Funding.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2013-14 Update [168], September 6, 2013. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo briefly discusses how the foundation allowance is determined and paid to schools.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2012-13 Update [188K], February 4, 2013. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo briefly discusses how the foundation allowance is determined and paid to schools.
- Personal Property Tax Elimination on School Funding [251K], September 22, 2011. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Mark Wolf, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives detail on the Impact of Personal Property Tax Elimination on School Funding. (Revised)
- Federal Education Jobs Fund Memo - August 18, 2010 [124K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Mary Ann Cleary. This memo discusses the Federal Education Jobs Fund Act.
- Summary of Public School Employee Retirement Revisions - PA 75 of 2010
- Executive Proposed Reforms for Michigan School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS) [26K], February 17, 2010. A memo, prepared by Bethany Wicksall, to the Members of the Michigan House of Representatives.
- Converting MPSERS from a Defined Benefit (DB) to a Defined Contribution (DC) System [21K], February 3, 2010. A memo, prepared by Bethany Wicksall, discussing the fiscal impact of closing the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System's (MPSERS) DB plan and moving to a DC plan.
- Proration of School Funding [81K]. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Mary Ann Cleary, October, 28, 2009.
- Section 20j [27K], January 31, 2009. This memo explains Section 20j of the School Aid Act, which makes calculations for "hold harmless" districts.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2008-09 [25K], January 30, 2009.
- Converting MPSERS from a Defined Benefit (DB) to a Defined Contribution (DC) System [20k], Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, February 25, 2009.
- Fiscal Impact of HB 4285/SB 255 - School Employees' Retirement Incentive [89K], Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, February 20, 2009.
Historical School Aid Documents
- Breaking the Logjam DVD: School Finance Reform [700.66K], 1999 copyright Michigan House of Representatives. This DVD provides information on the School Finance Reform.
- Durant: What Happened and Implications for the Future (Fiscal Forum) [30K], January 1999
- Proposal A and Pupil Equity, by Hank Prince, December 1996