HFA Archives
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Appropriation Bills Summaries
- Preliminary Estimated Fiscal Impact of HB 4539(H-1), HB 5477(H-4), and HB 5493 (H-3), as passed by the House [65K], December 5, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This table provides preliminary estimates for transportation and other state revenue sources under House-passed versions of House Bills 4539, 5477, and 5493.
- Fiscal Forum: Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection [321K], November 14, 2014. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication gives detailed information on Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection.
- State Budget Overview Background Briefing [463K] November, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This document provides an overview of long-term budget trends, the current state budget, and the near-term budget outlook.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships (Update) [1,122K] October 14, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Consititutional and Economic Valley and Incentive Program (EVIP) payments to cities, villages, and townships (CVTs). In addition, estimated FY 2014-15 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments, as enacted in 2014 PA 252, are included.
- Economic and Revenue Report [190K] October 10, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Forum: Michigan Public Policies and Programs Pertaining to Autism Spectrum Disorder [446K], October 2, 2014. Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst, Margaret Alston, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Susan Frey, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Matthew Ellsworth,Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Forum report will provide a brief overview of Michigan's Public Policies and Programs pertaining to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- FY 2014-15 University Tuition Restraint Compliance [129K], August 28, 2014. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo discusses the FY 2014-15 University Tuition Restraint Compliance.
- Legislative Analysis - Wolf Hunt Initiative [48K], August 22, 2014. Prepared by Josh Roesner, Legislative Analyst, Chris Couch, Associate Director, Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Legislative Analysis gives information on the Wolf Hunt Initiative.
- Fiscal Focus: Vehicle Registration Primer [128K], August 21, 2014. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication presents a detailed description and analysis of the major vehicle registration provisions of the Michigan Vehicle Code.
- Changes in State Appropriations [249K], August 19, 2014. Prepared by Kyle, I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo provides information on changes in state appropriation amounts over the last decade. The end point for all comparisons is the FY 2014-15 state budget as initially enacted through Public Acts 196 and 252 of 2014.
- Economic and Revenue Report [159K] August 15, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Transportation Funding in Michigan [468K], August 2014. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This presentation was given at the Kalamazoo County Road Commission on Transportation Funding in Michigan.
Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2014-15 [1.59K], July 2014.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2014-15 [766K], July 2014. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2014-15 appropriation acts.
- University Performance Funding Formula [150K], July 21, 2014. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives information on the University Performance Funding Formula.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2014 - Referendum on Public Act 80 of 2014: Personal Property Tax Phase-Out [85K], July 14, 2014. Prepared by Chris Couch, Legislative Analyst, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, Adam Derosiers, Economist and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This document gives an analysis of Proposal 1 of 2014: Personal Property Tax Phase Out.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [1,112K], July 1, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2012-13 and estimated FY 2013-14 Constitutional and Economic Vitality and Incentive Program (EVIP) payments to cities, villages, and townships (CVTs). In addition, estimated FY 2014-15 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments, as enacted in 2014 PA 252, are included.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [556K], prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, June 2014. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2012-13 and estimated FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2014 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2014-15 enacted budget.
- Budget Stablization Fund Memo [250K], May 21, 2014. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memorandum provides updated estimates for the ending balance of the state's Budget Stablization Fund (BSF) based on recent legislative actions.
- Constitutional Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [706K], May 21, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of final FY 2012-13 and estimated FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 Constitutional revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships, revised to reflect the estimates of the May 15, 2014 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Michigan Department of Transportation Staffing Levels [933K], May 16, 2014. This memo provides information on the staffing levels for the Michigan Department of Transportation.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [49K], May 16, 2014. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2014 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2015 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [48K], May 15, 2014 Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [48K], May 15, 2014 Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2013-14 Through FY 2015-16 [173K], May 13, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2013 through CY 2016. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2012-13 and revised estimates for FY 2013-14 through FY 2015-16. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 15, 2014, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Economic and Revenue Report [159K] April 14, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.(Revised)
- Tuition Grant Program [34K], Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, March 19, 2014. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Grant Program established by Public Act 313 of 1966.
- Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund Memo [59K], Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst, March 10, 2014. This memo discusses the Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund.
- FY 2013-14 Appropriation Report, Department of Community Health, Public Act 59 of 2013 (Article IV), FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 [366K], Prepared by Margaret Alston, Matthew Ellsworth, Susan Frey and Steve Stauff, February 27, 2014.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 Executive Budget Recommendation [157K], February, 2014. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2008-09 to 2012-13 [462K], February 5, 2014. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2008-2009 to 2012-13. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- FY 2014-15 Executive Budget Overview [68K], February 12, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2014-15 Executive Budget, as presented to the House Appropriations Committee on February 12, 2014.
- Proposed Executive Recommended Economic Vitality Incentive Program Changes for FY 2014-15 [49K], February 11, 2014. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memorandum and accompanying attachment provide a summary of the proposed changes to the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) in the FY 2014-15 Executive Recommendation.
- Changes in K-12 Funding [98K], February 11, 2014. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo gives detailed information on the Changes in K-12 Funding.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 Executive Budget Recommendation [626K], February 10, 2014. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16.
- Fiscal Forum: Community Mental Health Services in Michigan [529K], January 28, 2014. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This fiscal forum gives an overview of the Community Mental Health Services in Michigan.
- Overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (Revised) [188K], January 17, 2014. Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives an overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS).
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview [85K], January 15, 2014. This is a recap of the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 10, 2014 presented by Mary Ann Cleary, HFA Director to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [52K], January 13, 2014. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2014 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2014 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [176K], January 10, 2014. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for fiscal years 2014, 2015 and 2016.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2013-14 Through FY 2015-16 [176K], January 7, 2014. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2013 through CY 2016. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2012-13 and revised estimates for FY 2013-14 through FY 2014-15, and initial estimates for FY 2015-16. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 10, 2014, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Tobacco Settlement Funds [84K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, December 11, 2013. This memorandum provides an update on tobacco settlement revenue received by the State of Michigan and discusses the potential impact of Senate Bill 269 on expenditures from that revenue.
- Proposed Michigan Strategic Fund Act Changes (Updated) [100K], prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst, December 9, 2013. This memorandum provides a summary of the proposed changes to the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) Act in a package of both Senate-and House-introduced bills.The bills included Senate Bills 269, 270, 271, 272, and 278, as well as House Bills 4071, 4480, 4481 and 4482.
- Fiscal Focus: State Appropriations, Tuition, and Public University Operating Costs [446K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, December 2, 2013. This report examines the combined effect of state funding reductions and tuition increases on overall university operating resources over the last decade and a half and discusses major factors related to university operating costs.
- Revenues and Expenditures of Divisions with the Bureau of Construction Codes [249K], prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst, November 15, 2013. This memo analyzes the trade and occupational regulatory programs administrered by the Bureau of Construction Codes (BCC) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affiars (LARA). This memo is also a revision of the October 30, 2012 memo.
- Overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) [222K], prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst, November 12, 2013. This memo provides an overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [363K], prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, October 21, 2013. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2011-12 and estimated FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2013 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2013-14 enacted budget.
- State Servcies Fee Fund - Update [103K]. October 1, 2013, Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on the State Services Fee Fund (SSFF), its sources of revenue, the annual appropriations from the fund, and issues with the recent divergence in revenues and appropriations.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2013-14 [1.13K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, September, 2013. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2013-14 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Roads and Risk Reserve Fund, Medicaid Expansion Savings, and Potential Budget Risks [126K], September 19, 2013. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memorandum provides information on the newly-created Roads and Risks Reserve Fund, state budget savings under the recently-enacted Medicaid expansion, and potential risks for the current state budget, including the shortfall in Health Insurance Claims Assessment collections.
- Economic and Revenue Report [336K], September 18, 2013. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- FY 2013-14 University Tuition Restraint Compliance [143K], September 11, 2013. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo discusses the FY 2013-14 University Tuition Restraint Compliance.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2013-14 Update [168], September 6, 2013. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo briefly discusses how the foundation allowance is determined and paid to schools.
- Medicaid Expansion and Federal Waivers, House Bill 4714(S-9) [637], August 2013. Prepared by Steve Stauff and Chris Couch. This document summarized House Bill 4714 (Substitute S-9, as amended).
- Appropriations Summary and Analysis, FY 2013-14 [637], August, 2013.
- Medicaid Expansion and Federal Waivers, House Bill 4714(S-9) Summary [637], August, 2013.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2013-14 [673K], July 2013.
- Economic Vitality Incentive Program [816K], July 23, 2013. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memo provides information on constitutional and statutory revenue sharing and the development and enactment Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) for cities, villages, and townships (CVTs) in the FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 budgets. In addition, updated EVIP payment estimates to eligible CVTs are provided.
- Overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services [237K], June 28, 2013. Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives an overview of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS).
- State Budget Update [439K], June 21, 2013. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This document gives an update on the State Budget, as presented at the Allegan County Local Officials Conference.
- Proposed Michigan Strategic Fund Act Changes [127K], June 20, 2013. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides a summary of the proposed changes to the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) Act in a package of both Senate and House introduced bills. The bills included Senate Bills 269, 270, 271, 272, and 278, as well as House Bills 4071, 4480, 4481 and 4482.
- Economic Vitality Incentive Program [569K], June 18, 2013. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This documents provides updated EVIP payment estimates to eligible cities, villages, and townships for FY 2011-12, FY 2012-13, FY 2013-14.
- Registration Service and Regulatory Fees - House Bills 4632 and 4630 [100K] June 11, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo describes the fiscal impact of House Bills 4632 and 4630 amending various sections of the Michigan Vehicle Code to increase fee revenue and to change the distribution of certain fees.
- Vehicle Registration Taxes [568K] June 10, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses Vehicle Registration Taxes.
- County Revenue Sharing Payments and Allowable Draws [87K] May 22, 2013. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides updated estimates of allowable draws from county reserve funds, county revenue sharing payments, and County Incentive Program (CIP) payments to eligible counties for FY 2011-12, FY 2012-13, and FY 2013-14.
- Constitutional Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships. [604K] May 22, 2013. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of final FY 2011-12 and estimated 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Constitutional revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships, revised to reflect the estimates of the May 15, 2013 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [49K], May 21, 2013. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2013 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2014 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [48K], May 15, 2013. Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2013, 2014 and 2015.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2012-13 Through FY 2014-15 [182K], May, 2013. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2012 through 2015. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2011-12 and revised estimates for FY 2012-13 through FY 2014-15. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 15, 2013, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Focus: Financing Michigan's Transportation Network - The State Transportation Budget and Beyond. [1,204K], April 15, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Focus discusses Financing Michigan's Transportation Network and the State Transportation Budget.
- Transportation Network - The State Transportation Budget and Beyond. [1,204K], April 15, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Focus discusses Financing Michigan's Transportation Network and the State Transportation Budget.
- Comprehensive Transportation Fund and State Support for Local Public Transit Agencies. [200K], April 11, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Comprehensive Transportation Fund and State Support for Local Public Transit Agencies. (Updated)
- Fiscal Forum - the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System. [582], April 9, 2013. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This Fiscal Forum discusses the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System.
- Fiscal Forum: Community College Funding [591K], prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst, March 2013. This Fiscal Forum discusses the Community College Funding.
- Medicaid Expansion - FY 2013-14 Executive Budget Recommendation [234K], March 4, 2013. Prepared by Steve Stauff, Associate Director. This memo provides information on the Governor's proposal to expand Medicaid eligibility in Michigan under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2012.
- Tuition Incentive Program [117K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, February 21, 2013. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Incentive Program, as well as details on the proposed policy changes to the program under the FY 2013-14 Executive Budget Recommendation for Higher Education.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2007-08 to 2011-12 [554K], February 21, 2013. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 Executive Budget Recommendation [821K], February, 2013. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Fiscal Forum: The Budget Stabilization Fund [451K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, February 2013. This Fiscal Forum discusses the Budget Stabilization Fund.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 Executive Budget Recommendation [808K], February 12, 2013. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2012-13 Update [188K], February 4, 2013. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo briefly discusses how the foundation allowance is determined and paid to schools.
- Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Reductions [133K] January 30, 2013, Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on recent changes in appropriations for payments in lieu of taxes (PILT) paid to local units of government for state-owned property in the Department of Treasury budget, including the budget impact of recent statutory changes related to PILT.
- Michigan State Waterways Fund [46K]. January 29, 2013. Prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo contains information concerning the Michigan State Waterways Fund appropriations and capital outlay projects within the DNR budget.
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview [53K], January 29, 2013. Presentation given to the House Appropriations Committee by Mary Ann Cleary, House Fiscal Agency Director on the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Health Insurance Exchanges and Federal Funding - REVISED [138K], January 24, 2013. Prepared by Paul Holland. This memo provides a preliminary overview of the various types of Health Insurance Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act and Patient Protection Act of 2010 (ACA).
- State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service [94K], January 22, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo updates previous memos on state transportation borrowing and debt service based on actual debt service expenditures and bonded debt balances through September 30, 2012.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K] January 17, 2013. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [52K], January 16, 2013. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2013 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2013 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [48K], January 11, 2013. Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2013, 2014 and 2015.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2012-13 Through FY 2014-15 [183K], January, 2013. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2012 through 2015. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2011-12 and revised estimates for FY 2012-13 through FY 2013-14, and initial estimates for FY 2014-15. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 11, 2013, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Forum: Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund [622K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst, January 2013. This Fiscal Focus discusses Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund.
- FY 2012-13 Appropriation Report - Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 200 of 2012, Article IV and FY 2011-12 Supplemental Actions [500K], January 2013. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Sue Frey and Steve Stauff.
- Personal Property Tax Package Analysis, December 2012. [57K], Provides a preliminary legislative summary and fiscal analysis of the personal property tax package reported by the House Tax Policy Committee.
- Fiscal Focus: Unemployment Insurance in Michigan, November, 2012 [816K], prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This report provides a basic overview of the unemployment insurance program as administered by the Unemployment Insurance Agency in Michigan under current law.
- Revenue Review, November 2012 [89K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Public Transit in Southeast Michigan: Public Transportation Providers/Regional Transportation Planning [41K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, November 2012.
- Fiscal Focus - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) [844K]. Prepared by Kevin Koorstra, Senior Fiscal Analyst, November 2012.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2012: Referendum on Emergency Manager Law
- Ballot Proposal 2 of 2012: Collective Bargaining
- Ballot Proposal 3 of 2012: Renewable Energy: 25% by 2025
- Ballot Proposal 4 of 2012: MQHCC- Collective Bargaining for In-Home Workers
- Ballot Proposal 5 of 2012: 2/3 Majority Vote State Taxes
- Ballot Proposal 6 of 2012: International Bridges and Tunnels
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2012-13 [276K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Bill Bowerman, October 2012.
- Bureau of Construction Codes - Revenue and Expenditures [168K] October 30, 2012, Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo analyzes the occupational and trade regulatory programs administered by the Bureau of Constructions Codes (BCC) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [128K] October 10, 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Line Item Summaries, FY 2012-13 (All Budgets). September, 2012 .
- Economic Vitality Incentive Program [149K], September 25, 2012. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Jim Stansell, Economist. This memo provides information on constitutional and statutory revenue sharing and the development and enactment of the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) for cities, villages, and townships (CVTs) in the FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 budgets.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [128K] September 17, 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- County Incentive Program [163K] September 11, 2012, Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Jim Stansell, Economist. This memo provides information on County Revenue Sharing and the new County Incentive Program (CIP) enacted in the FY 2012-13 budget.
- Fiscal Focus: Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund [213K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst, September 2012. This Fiscal Focus discusses the history, funding, and grant process of the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund.
- Public University Performance Funding and Tuition Restraint Submissions [217K], September 6, 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives information on Public University Performance Funding and Tuition Restraint Submissions.
- Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation [163K], September, 2012. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst This handout gives background information on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation.
- Changes in State Appropriations [163K] September 7, 2012, Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo provides information on changes in state appropriation amounts over the last decade. The end point for all comparisons is the enacted FY 2012-13 state budget.
- Revenue Review, August, 2012 [50K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Fiscal Forum: Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program [213K], prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst, August 14, 2012. This Fiscal Forum discusses the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2012-13 [798K], August 2012. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2012-13 appropriations.
- Projected State Contributions to MPSERS [798K], August 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Bethany Wicksall. This memo provides a brief summary of Senate Bill 1040, presents preliminary projections of new state-level retirement system contributions under the bill’s provisions, and describes two major uncertainties surrounding those projections: payroll growth and ongoing legal proceedings.
- Fiscal Forum: Indigent Defense Review [227K], prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst, July 31, 2012. This Fiscal Forum discusses Indigent Defense Review.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2012-13 [199K], July 2012.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [359K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, July 2012. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2011-12 and FY 2013-14 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2012 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2012-13 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Performance Indicators Formula [56K] July 16, 2012, Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum summarizes the distribution formula set out by the Performance Indicators Task Force in a 2006 report and used in some subsequent budget years, including the FY 2012-13 Community Colleges budget (Article II, PA 201 of 2012).
- Medicaid Expansion - Affordable Care Act [112K], July 17, 2012. Prepared by Steve Stauff, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on the possible future State costs and savings by opting to expand Medicaid eligibility pursuant to the recent Supreme Court ruling on the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2012.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [126K] July 10, 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K] June 11, 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Bovine Tuberculosis Indemnification - State Budget Office Request No. 2012-12 [21K] June 5, 2012, Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides background information on State Budget Office Supplemental Budget Request No. 2012-12 for the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [48K], May 16, 2012. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2012 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2013 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [47K], May 16, 2012. Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Work Sharing and Short-Time Compensation as Unemployment Insurance Strategy. [157K], May 10, 2012. Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives information on Work Sharing and Short-Time Compensation as Unemployment Insurance Strategy.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2011-12 Through FY 2013-14 [188K], May 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2011 through 2014. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2010-11 and revised estimates for FY 2011-12 through FY 2013-14. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 16, 2012, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Michigan Bottle Deposit Law Program [46K] May 22, 2012, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on the revenues to Michigan from the Michigan Bottle Deposit Law Program.
- Revenue Review, May, 2012 [49K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund - State Support for Horse Race Programs [39K] April 26,2012, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo talks about the Agriculture Equine Industry Development Fund and State Support for Horse Race Programs.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K] April 10, 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Overview: Degree Completion-Based University Performance Funding [193K] April 10, 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This overview provides information on Degree Completion-Based University Performance Funding.
- Public Universities in the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System [161K] April 5, 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bethany Wicksall, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on Public Universities in the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System.
- State Services Fee Fund [110K] April 2, 2012. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk. This memo provides information on the State Services Fee Fund, its sources of revenue, the annual appropriations from the fund, and issues with the divergence in revenues and appropriations. (Update).
- Michigan's Return on Contributions to the Federal Highway Trust Fund [21K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, March 5, 2012. This memo is on to the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
- Tuition Grant Program [36K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, March 1, 2012. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Grant Program.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Executive Budget Recommendation [749K], March 2012. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14, as well as information on proposed changes to the state's retirement systems and tax structure. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Inflation Adjustment of Fees Collected under LARA [679K], prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst, March 8, 2012. This memo discusses Inflation Adjustment of Fees Collected under LARA.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [211K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2012. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2011-12 and FY 2013-14 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2012 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2012-13 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Federal-Aid Highway Funds in State Transportation Budget [433K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, February 21, 2012. This Fiscal Forum publication provides information on the Federal-Aid Highway Funds in State Transportation Budget.
- University Funding Policy [122K], February 21, 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives detail on University Funding Policy.
- Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Tax Collection [25K] February 6, 2012, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo provides background information on taxes imposed on motor fuels in Michigan.
- FY 2011-12 Appropriation Report - Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 63 of 2011, Article IV, And FY 2010-11 Supplemental Actions, [465K], February 2012. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Sue Frey and Steve Stauff.
- County Revenue Sharing FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13. [74K] February 21, 2012. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of allowable draws and revenue sharing payments to eligible counties for FY 2011-12 under current law along with allowable draws and projected EVIP payments to eligible counties for FY 2012-13 as per the Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Revenue Review, February, 2012 [90K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Executive Budget Recommendation [200K], February 14, 2012. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2006-07 to 2010-11 [575K], February 8, 2012. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2011-12 thru FY 2013-14 [203K], January 2012. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2011 through 2014. It also presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2010-11, revised revenue estimates for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13, and initial estimates for FY 2013-14.
- Estimated Constitutional Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships, FY 2011-12 through FY 2013-14. [618K] January 26, 2012. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides estimated Constitutional revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2011-12 through FY 2013-14, based on sales tax projections from the January 13, 2012 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Reductions [112K] January 19, 2012, Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on recent reductions in appropriations for payments in lieu of taxes (PILT) paid to local units of government for state-owned property.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [46K], January 17, 2012. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2012 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2012 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [203K], January 13, 2012. Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
- Civil Filing Fee fund [92K], January 11, 2012. Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Civil Filing Fee Fund that was created by Public Act 138 of 2003 (MCL 600.171).
- Traffic Citation Revenue [271K], January 11, 2012. Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memo outlines the distribution of funds from traffic citations in Michigan.
- Justice System Fund Overview [109K], January 11, 2012. Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Justice System Fund (JSF) that was created by Public Act 97 of 2003 (MCL 600.181) to simplify the assessment, collection, and distribution of monetary obligations imposed in criminal cases.
- Bureau of Commercial Services, Licensing Division - Analysis of Revenues & Expenditures [641K] December 14, 2011, Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses Bureau of Commercial Services, Licensing Division - Analysis of Revenues & Expenditures.
- LARA Regulatory Fees - Updated for FY 2011 [1,140K] December 14, 2011, Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses LARA Regulatory Fees.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K], December 8, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Milk Safety and Quality Assurance Program [41K], December 1, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Office of Great Start, Supplemental Request 2012-13 [69K] November 17, 2011, Prepared by Mark Wolf and Bethany Wicksall, School Aid Analysts and Kevin Koorstra, DHS Analyst. This memorandum provides an overview of EO 2011-8 and Supplemental Request 2012-3, establishing the Office of Great Start within the Department of Education.
- ARRA Funds by Budget Area [21K], November 14, 2011.
- State Support for Aeronautics Programs [43K]. November 7, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on State Support for Aeronautics Programs in Michigan.
- State Health Insurance Exchanges [81K] November 7, 2011, Prepared by Paul Holland, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses State Health Insurance Exchanges.
- Revenue Review, November 2011 [61K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- State Services Fee Fund [108K] October 11, 2011. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk. This memo provides information on the State Services Fee Fund, its sources of revenue, the annual appropriations from the fund, and issues with the divergence in revenues and appropriations.
- Preliminary Overview of Executive Contingency Plan for FY 2011-12 [212K]. October 3, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This memo gives information on the Preliminary Overview of Executive Contingency Plan for FY 2011-12 General Fund budget agreement assumed for $145.0 million in savings from employee concessions.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [121K], October 13, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2011-12 [65K], October 12, 2011. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Mark Wolf, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives detail how the foundation allowance is determined and paid to schools. (Update)
- FY 2010-11 Appropriation Report - Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 187 of 2010, And FY 2009-10 Supplemental Actions [438K], September 30, 2011. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Sue Frey and Steve Stauff.
- FY 2010-11 Appropriation Report - Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 187 of 2010, And FY 2009-10 Supplemental Actions [438K], September 30, 2011. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Sue Frey and Steve Stauff.
- The Effect of Personal Property Tax Elimination on Community Colleges [83K], September 28, 2011. Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memo focuses specifically on how this change would affect community college budgets in Michigan.
- Michigan's High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Projects [212K]. September 27, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on Michigan's High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Projects.
- Unemployment Insurance Interest Liability [383K], September 28, 2011. Prepared by Mark Wolf, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on Unemployment Insurance Interest Liability.
- University Tuition Restraint Submissions [253K], September 15, 2011. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives detail on University Tuition Restraints.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2011-12 [1088K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Bill Bowerman, September 2011.
- Economic Vitality Incentive Program [106K], September 22, 2011. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Jim Stansell, Economist. This memo provides information on constitutional and statutory revenue sharing and the development and enactment of the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) for cities, villages, and townships (CVTs) in the FY 2011-12 budget.
- Personal Property Tax Elimination on School Funding [251K], September 22, 2011. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Mark Wolf, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives detail on the Impact of Personal Property Tax Elimination on School Funding. (Revised)
- Economic and Budget Update [168K], September 20, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This memo provides an update on the U.S. and Michigan economies and the state budget.
- State Employee Retiree Health Benefit Prefunding [24K], September 20, 2011. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bethany Wicksall, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information on State Employee Retiree Health Benefit Prefunding.
- Economic/Revenue Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [131K], September 13, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- University Tuition Restraint Submissions [253K], September 15, 2011. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives detail on University Tuition Restraints.
- Judicial Resources Recommendations [131K], September 15, 2011. Prepared by Erik Jonasson.
- Revenue Review, August 2011 [63K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan. Revised to exclude tax amnesty revenue.
- FY 2011-12 Public University Tuition Increases [75K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, July 18, 2011. This memo discusses the FY 2011-12 Public University Tuition Increases.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2011-12[179K], August 2011.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2011-12 [625K], August 2011. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2011-12 appropriations.
- FY 2011-12 Public University Tuition Increases [75K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, July 18, 2011. This memo discusses the FY 2011-12 Public University Tuition Increases.
- Description of Recently Enacted Personal Income Tax Changes with Taxpayer Examples [166K]. July 8, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca A. Ross
- Enacted Personal Income Tax Changes with Taxpayer Examples [45K], July 8, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca A. Ross, Senior Economist. This memo provides a description and taxpayer examples of the personal income tax changes contained in Public Act (PA) 38 of 2011 (effective January 1, 2012)
- Rail Passenger Service in Michigan [166K]. June 27, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on Rail Passenger Service in Michigan.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [363K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, June 2011. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2011 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2011-12 Executive Budget Recommendation. It also reflects revenue impacts due to tax amnesty, unclaimed property, liquor reforms, and changes to the state's tax structure included in HB 4361 and HB 4362 of 2011.
- Economic/Review Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K] June, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross. Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2012-13 Through FY 2014-15 [182K], May, 2013. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2012 through 2015. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2011-12 and revised estimates for FY 2012-13 through FY 2014-15. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 15, 2013, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Economic/Review Overview and Revenue Monthly Review [127K] June, 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [46K], May 24, 2011. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2011 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed and updated at the January 2012 conference.
- A Problem 10 Years in the Making [322K] May 20, 2011, Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean, Director.
- Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Tax Collection [26K] May 20, 2011, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo provides background information on taxes imposed on motor fuels in Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [47K], May 16, 2011. Economic and Revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
- Revenue Review, May 2011 [52K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2010-11 Through FY 2012-13 [207K], May 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2009-10, revised revenue estimates for FY 2010-11, and initial estimates for FY 2011-12, and an initial estimate for FY 2012-13. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 16, 2011, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- HFA May Revenue Estimates with Enacted Tax Plan Under HB 4361 and HB 4362 [9K], May 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [366K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, April 2011. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2011 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2011-12 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 Executive Budget Recommendation [680K], March 2011. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13, as well as information on proposed changes to the state's retirement systems and tax structure. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- FY 2011-12 Executive Recommendation for Tax Changes. [87K] March 8, 2011, Prepared by Rebecca Ross, Jim Stansell and Chris Couch. This analysis describes the Governor's Tax Proposal.
- Solid Waste Surcharge Fee Proposal. [19K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Solid Waste Surcharge Fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
- Executive Orders 2011-4 and 2011-5 [459K] March 3, 2011, Prepared by Mark Wolf, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses Executive Orders 2011-4 and 2011-5 and the creation of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 Executive Budget Recommendation [193K], February 22, 2011. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13.
- Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Tax Collection [26K] May 20, 2011, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo provides background information on taxes imposed on motor fuels in Michigan.
- A Problem 10 Years in the Making [322K] May 20, 2011, Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean, Director.
- Revenue Review, May 2011 [52K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2005-06 to 2009-10 [606K], February 1, 2011. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Associate Director and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [366K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, April 2011. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2011 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2011-12 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- County Revenue Sharing Payments and Allowable Draws for FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 [255K] March 11, 2011, Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides estimates of revenue sharing payments to eligible counties and allowable draws from county required reserve funds for FY 2010-11 (as enacted) and FY 2011-12 (as per the executive recommendation).
- A Problem 10 Years in the Making [439K] March 10, 2011, Presentation by: Mitchell E. Bean, Director. Prepared for Representative Hobbs and Senator Gregory Budget Town Hall.
- FY 2011-12 Executive Recommendation for Tax Changes. [87K] March 8, 2011, Prepared by Rebecca Ross, Jim Stansell and Chris Couch. This analysis describes the Governor's Tax Proposal.
- Executive Orders 2011-4 and 2011-5 [459K] March 3, 2011, Prepared by Mark Wolf, Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses Executive Orders 2011-4 and 2011-5 and the creation of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
- Renewal Operating Permit (ROP) Fee Proposal. [16K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Air quality Program's Renewal Operating Permit (ROP) fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
- Solid Waste Surcharge Fee Proposal. [19K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Solid Waste Surcharge Fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
- Wastewater Operator Certification Fee Proposal. [16K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Wastewater Operator Certification Fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 Executive Budget Recommendation [680K], March 2011. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13, as well as information on proposed changes to the state's retirement systems and tax structure. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2005-06 to 2009-10 [606K], February 1, 2011. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Associate Director and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Revenue Review, February 2011 [79K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Unemployment Insurance Solvency Issues and Interest Liability [648K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, January 7, 2011. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Development provides information on Unemployment Insurance Solvency Issues and Liability.
- Michigan's General Fund/General Purpose Budget [355K], January 2011. REVISED: SEE FINAL PAGE Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Associate Director.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 [226K], January 2011. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2009-10, revised revenue estimates for FY 2010-11, and initial estimates for FY 2011-12.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [36K], January 14, 2011. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2011 conference. These consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2011 conference.
- Transportation Needs and Revenue Distribution Memo. [1897K], December 3, 2010, Prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2010-11 [196K], November 2010.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2010-11 [244K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries, November 2010.
- FY 2010-11 Public University Financial Information - Section 436 of Public Act 203 of 2010. [194K], November 19, 2010, Prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Revenue Review, November 2010 [52K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Michigan's Budget: Issues and Options. [376K] November 8, 2010. Presentation for New Member Training by Mitchell E. Bean, Director.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2010-11 [1079K], November 2010. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2010-11 appropriations.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget. [381K] October 28, 2010. Presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the Grand Valley Metro Council.
- Where We Are and How We Got There. [118K] October 8, 2010, presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at Oakland University Campaigns and Elections Forum.
- Constitutional Convention Ballot Proposal 1 of 2010. [105K] October 14, 2010, by Chris Couch and Ben Gielczyk. This analysis gives information on the fiscal impact, background information and for/against arguments on the Constitutional Convention
- The Treatment of Game Animals as Livestock in Michigan: Fiscal and Regulatory Issues [60K] October 5, 2010. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides detailed information on the Treatment of Game Animals as Livestock in Michigan, Fiscal and Regulatory Issues.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Counties [97K] September 30, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed final revenue sharing payments to eligible counties for FY 2009-10 and estimates for FY 2010-11 under HB 5880 (S-1) CR-1, as passed the House.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [787K] September 28, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed final revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 and estimates for FY 2010-11 under HB 5880 (S-1) CR-1, as passed the House.
- Where We Are and How We Got There [83K], August 16, 2010, presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the Michigan Judges' Association Annual Conference.
- Memo on House Bill 6453: Michigan Promise Tax Credit,[26K] Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Associate Director. September 17, 2010. This memo discusses the Michigan Promise Tax Credit.
- Tax Amnesty, Unclaimed Property Revenue, and Debt Service Restructuring Proposals [35K], August 23, 2010, prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Ben Gielczyk. This memo gives a summary of the Governor's proposals for cleosing the FY 2010-11 general fund budget deficit.
- AMTRAK Service in Michigan including State Contract Options, August 19, 2010 [35K], prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo discusses the AMTRAK Service in Michigan and State Contract Operations.
- Tax Amnesty, Unclaimed Property Revenue, and Debt Service Restructuring Proposals [35K], August 23, 2010, prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Ben Gielczyk. This memo gives a summary of the Governor's proposals for closing the FY 2010-11 general fund budget deficit.
- Federal Education Jobs Fund Memo, August 18, 2010 [124K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and MaryAnn Cleary. This memo discusses the Federal Education Jobs Fund Act.
- Where We Are and How We Got There, August 16, 2010 Presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the Michigan Judges' Association Annual Conference. [83K]
- Revenue Review, August 2010 [75K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- State Unemployment Funds: Implications for Michigan's Budget, July 28, 2010 [246K], presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NSCL).
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [416K]. A presentation by Mitch Bean to the District 62 Town Hall Meeting, July 1, 2010.
- Public University Tuition Rates [96K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, July 26, 2010.
- Standard Principles and Practice in Public Finance, July 25, 2010 [90K], presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NSCL).
- Standard Principles and Practice in Public Finance, July 25, 2010 [90K], presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NSCL).
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [416K]. A presentation by Mitch Bean to the District 62 Town Hall Meeting, July 1, 2010.
- Unemployment Insurance Solvency Issues and Interest Liability [275K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, July 20, 2010. This memo provides an update on the Unemployment Insurance Agency's receipt of loans from the U.S. Department of Labor under Title 12 of the federal Social Security Act to continue paying regular state UI benefits.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [324K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, June 2010. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2010 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conf
- The Impact of Tax Expenditures on Budget Shortfalls. [139K], June 1, 2010 presentation by Mitchell E. Bean.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [88K], May 21, 2010. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2010 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed and updated at the January 2011 conference.
- Estimated FY 2009-10 Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [450K], May 21, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 under current law, revised to reflect the estimates from the May 21, 2010 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships, Estimated FY 2009-10 [450K], May 21, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 under current law, revised to reflect the estimates from the May 21, 2010 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Revenue Review, May 2010 [73K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Michigan Gas and Oil Lease Revenue [21K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild, May 12, 2010. The following contains information concerning the revenue that is received by the State of Michigan from the sale of land oil and gas leases on state-owned lands.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [395K]. A presentation by Mitch Bean to the District 62 Town Hall Meeting, May 3, 2010.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 [236K], prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell, May 2010. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund final revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2008-09, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2009-10 and 2010-11. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 21, 2010, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Revenue Review, May 2010 [73K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [416K]. A presentation by Mitch Bean to the District 24 Town Hall Meeting, April, 26, 2010.
- State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service [54K], April 22, 2010.
- Transportation Administration Collection Fund [74K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, updated April 20, 2010. This memo provides information on the Transportation Administration Collection Fund (TACF) and its revenue shortfall.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [416K]. A presentation by Mitch Bean to the District 24 Town Hall Meeting, April, 26, 2010.
- Transportation Administration Collection Fund [74K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, updated April 20, 2010. This memo provides information on the Transportation Administration Collection Fund (TACF) and its revenue shortfall.
- Budget Areas Synopses - Fiscal Year 2010-11.
- Drug Treatment Courts and Swift and Sure Sanctions Programs [112K]. Prepared by Erik Jonasson. This memorandum summarizes the current state of drug treatment courts and drug treatment court funding in Michigan, as well as a brief summary of Swift and Sure Sanction programs. This includes descriptions of the courts, current funding practices, and estimates of the short and long term savings related to a successfully run drug treatment court.
- State University Summary Data FY 2004-05 to FY 2008-09 [224K], March 31, 2010. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries. Headcount and fiscal year-equated student history, higher education tuition history, state and financial aid history, etc.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships FY2009-10 and FY2010-11 (HB5880 H-2) [702K], March 26, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 under current law and FY 2010-11 as per HB5880 (H-2) as passed the House of Representatives.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Counties for FY2009-10 and FY2010-11 (HB5880 H-2) [75K], March 26, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to eligible counties for FY 2009-10 under current law and FY 2010-11 as per HB5880 (H-2) as passed by the House of Representatives.
- Background Briefing: State Financial Aid Programs [38K], March 16, 2010. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Interdepartmental Grants from State-Restricted Transportation Funds [46K], March 9, 2010. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2010-11 Executive Budget Recommendation [485K], March 2010. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2010-11, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [324K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2010. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes estimated FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2010 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2010-11 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Summary of Public School Employee Retirement Revisions - PA 75 of 2010
- Tuition Incentive Program [78K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, March 2, 2010. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Incentive Program, as well as details on the proposed policy changes to the program under the FY 2010-11 Executive Recommendation.
- Converting MPSERS from a Defined Benefit (DB) to a Defined Contribution (DC) System [21K], February 3, 2010. A memo, prepared by Bethany Wicksall, discussing the fiscal impact of closing the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System's (MPSERS) DB plan and moving to a DC plan.
- Executive Proposed Reforms for Michigan School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS) [26K], February 17, 2010. A memo, prepared by Bethany Wicksall, to the Members of the Michigan House of Representatives.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [677K], February 11, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 (under current law) and FY 2010-11 (as per the Executive Recommendation).
- Revenue Review, February 2010 [95K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [677K], February 11, 2010. Prepared by Jim Stansell. This document provides detailed estimates of revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships for FY 2009-10 (under current law) and FY 2010-11 (as per the Executive Recommendation).
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2010-11 Executive Budget Recommendation[202K], February 16, 2010. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2010-11.
- Converting MPSERS from a Defined Benefit (DB) to a Defined Contribution (DC) System [21K], February 3, 2010. A memo, prepared by Bethany Wicksall, discussing the fiscal impact of closing the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System's (MPSERS) DB plan and moving to a DC plan.
- Revenue Review, February 2010 [95K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Labor, Energy, and Economic Growth, Department of, FY 2009-10 Decision Document [767K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, January 26, 2010. Public Act 130 of 2009.
- Healthy Michigan Fund Appropriations FY 2009-10 [20K], January 25, 2010. Prepared by Sue Frey.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2009-10 [550K], January 2010. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2009-10 appropriations.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2009-10 [205K], January 2010.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [400K] January 25, 2010. Presentation by Mitchell E. Bean at the Maxfield Training Center.
- Department of Labor, Energy, and Economic Growth FY 2009-10 Decision Document [767K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, January 26, 2010. Public Act 130 of 2009.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [87K], January 2010. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2010 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2010 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement - Executive Summary [49K], January 2010. The attached document provides an Executive Summary of the January 11, 2010 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 [241K], prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell, January 2010. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2008-09, revised revenue estimates for FY 2009-10, and initial estimates for FY 2010-11.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2009-10 [133K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries, December 2009.
- Implementation of FY 2009-10 Financial Aid Appropriations, [250K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, December 21, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding and Michigan's State Budget, Fiscal Forum [150K], Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, December 8, 2009.
- Michigan's Economy and Budget [400K] November, 2009. Presentation by Mitchell E. Bean, prepared for District 93 Town Hall Meetings
- Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth (Dept of) Final FY 2008-09 Summary [130K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, November 23, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Development.
- Extension of Unemployment Insurance Benefits [644K], Prepared by Mark Wolf, November 18, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Economic Development. This memo provides an overview of the unemployment insurance provisions contained in the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009.
- Merit Award Trust Fund [67K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 6, 2009. This memo provides updated information on Merit Award Trust Fund revenues and appropriations for fiscal years (FYs) 2008-09 and 2009-10.
- Revenue Review, November 2009 [73K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Vetoed Budget Bill Items: Summary, FY 2009-10 State Budget [44K]. November 6, 2009.
- Proration of School Funding [81K]. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Mary Ann Cleary, October, 28, 2009.
- Michigan Unemployment Trust Fund [153K]. Prepared by Mark Wolf, October, 2009.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [820K]. Prepared by Jim Stansell, September 29, 2009. Final FY 2008-09 and Estimated FY 2009-10 Revenue sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships under SB 245 (S-2) CR-1 *.
- Executive Order 2009-43 [25K], prepared by Robin Risko, September 14, 2009. A memo to the House Standing Committee on Appropriations.
- Community College Renaissance Zone Reimbursement Elimination [200K], prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, September 11, 2009.
- Developmental and Remedial Education at Michigan's Community Colleges [109K], prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, September 11, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges.
- Indian Tuition Waiver Program [84K], prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, September 11, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Community Colleges.
- FY 2008-09 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, Summary: House Bill 4721 as Enacted, Public Act 73 of 2009 [33K], August 31, 2009. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- FY 2008-09 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, Summary: House Bill 4308 as Enacted, Public Act 39 of 2009 [33K], August 30, 2009. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Executive Order 2009-36 [35K], prepared by Robin Risko, August 12, 2009. A memo to the House Standing Committee on Appropriations.
- Revenue Review, August 2009 [75K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [226K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, July 2009. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and compares projected FY 2008-09 revenue with estimated FY 2009-10 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2009 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2009-10 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Michigan Promise Grant Program [61K], July 2, 2009 (revised for Senate passage). Prepared by Kyle I. Jen. This memo provides background information on the Promise Grant Program, as well as information on projected program costs.
- FY 2008-09 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, Summary: House Bill 4310 as Enacted, Public Act 64 of 2009 [68K], June 26, 2009. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [90K], May 19, 2009. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2009 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed and updated at the January 2010 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [47K], May 15, 2009. Economic and revenue forecasts for fiscal years 2009 and 2010.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 [304K], May 2009. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund final revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2007-08, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10.
- Revenue Review, May 2009 [109K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government, Estimated FY 2008-09 [528K]. Prepared by Jim Stansell, May 5, 2009. This document provides detailed revenue sharing estimates for FY2008-09 to reflect changes due to Executive Order 2009-22.
- Executive Order 2009-22, Summary [678K], May 5, 2009. FY 2008-09 Appropriation Reductions.
- Transportation-Related Programs within the 2009 Federal Stimulus Package - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [79K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, April 8, 2009.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2009-10 Executive Budget Recommendation [648K], March 2009. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2009-10, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Agriculture Development Fund [23K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, March 5, 2009.
- Transportation-Related Programs within the 2009 Federal Stimulus Package - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [79K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, March 5, 2009.
- Fiscal Impact of HB 4285/SB 255 - School Employees' Retirement Incentive [89K], Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, February 20, 2009.
- Preliminary Conference Agreement Federal Stimulus Allocations [153K], February 18, 2009.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2009-10 Executive Budget Recommendation [305K], February 17, 2009. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2009-10.
- Explanation of Unreserved General Fund and School Aid Fund Balances [89K], February 10, 2009.
- Economic and Revenue Forecasts: Implications for Michigan's Budget [690K], February 5, 2009. A presentation for the Michigan House of Representatives, given by Mitchell E. Bean.
- Revenue Review: February 2009 [117K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [95K], January 2009. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2009 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2009 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 [317K], January 2009. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2007-08, revised revenue estimates for FY 2008-09, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2009-10.
- Summary of Executive Order 2008-21 [168K], December 10, 2008.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2008-09 [250K], November 2008.
- FY 2008-09 Appropriation Report, Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 246 of 2008 and FY 2007-08 Supplemental Actions [387K], November 2008. Prepared by Margaret Alston, Susan Frey, and Steve Stauff. Technical legislative intent report of the enacted Department of Community Health Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget, detailing each appropriation line item change from the prior fiscal year budget, and including a brief summary of each boilerplate section. Enacted supplemental appropriations and boilerplate for Fiscal Year 2007-08 are also detailed.
- Civil Service Salary and Benefit Comparisons [311K], November 2008. Prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Jim Stansell, and Mitch Bean. This report was prepared at the request of the Speaker of the House, State Representative Andy Dillon, for a comparison of wages and benefits for State of Michigan classified employees and wages and benefits for similar positions in the private sector.
- Revenue Review, November 2008 [109K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2008-09 [322K]. Prepared by Ellen Jeffries and Kyle I. Jen, October 2008.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2008-09 [619K], October 2008. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2008-09 appropriations.
- Stem Cell Research Ballot Proposal of 2008 [155K], October 22, 2008. Prepared by Susan Stutzky and Susan Frey. An analysis of Proposal 08-2.
- Medical Marijuana Ballot Proposal of 2008 [160K], October 15, 2008. Prepared by Chris Couch, Susan Frey, Ben Gielczyk, Marilyn Peterson, and Jan Wisniewski. An analysis of Proposal 8-1.
- State Financial Aid Funding for Postsecondary Education (Fiscal Focus) [285K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, September 2008. This report provides information on each of Michigan's state financial aid programs, as well as context regarding historical changes to state financial aid funding and comparisons with financial aid funding in other states.
- Child Development and Care Program Performance Audit, Summary of the [88K], August 11, 2008. The following information was compiled by Kevin Koorstra and Bob Schneider after a review of the findings of the recent Auditor General's report on the Child Development and Care Program in the Department of Human Services.
- Revenue Review, August 2008 [122K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- State University Tuition Rates - Revised [84K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, August 7, 2008. This memo provides preliminary information regarding FY 2008-09 state university tuition rates, as well as historical context on changes in tuition rates and overall state university resources available for student instruction.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [295K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, June 2008. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and compares projected FY 2007-08 revenue with estimated FY 2008-09 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the May 2008 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the revised Executive Budget Recommendation.
- Pseudo rabies Outbreak and the Fiscal Impact [20K], Prepared by William E. Hamilton, June 25, 2008. A memo on the Michigan Department of Agriculture and animal health.
- Impact on Michigan of Proposed Federal Medicaid Rules [50K], May 19, 2008. The following provides information currently available to the House Fiscal Agency about a potentially significant fiscal issue.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [95K], May 2008. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 16, 2008 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2009 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09 [266K], May 2008. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2006-07, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09.
- Revenue Review: May 2008 [124K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service [52K], May 5, 2008. Prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Michigan Department of Transportation's 2008-2012 Five-Year Transportation Program, The [81K], May 1, 2008. Prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [299K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2008. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2007-08 revenue with estimated FY 2008-09 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference in January 2008.
- FY 2007-08 Appropriation Report, Department of Community Health, Public Act No. 123 of 2007 and FY 2006-07 Supplemental Actions [424K], February 2008. Technical legislative intent report of the enacted Department of Community Health Fiscal Year 2007-08 budget, detailing each appropriation line item change from the prior fiscal year budget, and including a brief summary of each boilerplate section. Enacted supplemental appropriations and boilerplate for Fiscal Year 2006-07 are also detailed.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2008-09 Executive Budget Recommendation [578K], February 2008. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2008-09, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Aeronautics Capital Outlay Program [41K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, February 2008.
- Public Transit Systems in Southeast Michigan: DDOT, SMART, the RTCC, and DARTA [43K], William E. Hamilton, February 19, 2008. This memo discusses the public agencies which provide and coordinate public transportation services in Southeast Michigan. The memo discusses the coordination of services between the two major transit agencies in Southeast Michigan, DDOT and SMART, as well as the broader issues related to regional public transportation. The memo also reviews recent legislative history.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government[515K]. Prepared by Jim Stansell, February 13, 2008. FY 2008-09 Executive recommendation.
- Revenue Review: February 2008 [111K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2008-09 Executive Budget Recommendation [320K], February 11, 2008. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2008-09.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2007-08 [230K], January 2008.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement - Executive Summary [47K], January 2008. The attached document provides an Executive Summary of the January 11, 2008 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [93K], January 2008. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2008 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2008 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09 [310K], January 2008. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2006-07, revised revenue estimates for FY 2007-08, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2008-09.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2007-08 [609K], December 2007. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2007-08 appropriations.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance - FY 2007-08 [609K], December 19, 2007. This memo discusses the Basics of the Foundation Allowance.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2007-08 [167K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries, December 2007.
- Revenue Review: November 2007 [69K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Implications of Having No Budget in Place by October 1, 2007, or Passing an Interim Budget [62K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean, September 10, 2007.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [255K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, August 2007. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2006-07 revenue with estimated FY 2007-08 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 18, 2007.
- Revenue Review: August 2007 [69K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [90K], May 2007. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 18, 2007 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2008 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2006-07 and FY 2007-08 [241K], May 2007. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The report presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2005-06, revised revenue estimates for FY 2006-07, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2007-08.
- Revenue Review: May 2007 [85K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [331K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2007. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2006-07 revenue with estimated FY 2007-08 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 18, 2007.
- Michigan's Capital Outlay Process [527K]. Prepared by Al Valenzio, March 2007.
- Summary of Executive Order 2007-3 [76K].
- Act 51 Primer [772K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, updated February 2007. Public Act 51 of 1951, known simply as "Act 51," governs state appropriations for most Michigan transportation programs, including state and local highway programs and state and local public transportation programs. This report was prepared as a primer on Act 51 and how Act 51 controls state transportation funding.
- Section 20j [19K]. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings, February 15, 2007. This memo explains Section 20j of the School Aid Act, which makes calculations for "hold harmless" districts.
- Review and Analysis: The Governor's FY 2007-08 Budget Proposal [507K], February 2007. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2007-08, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Revenue Review: February 2007 [113K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2007-08 Executive Budget Recommendation [237K], February 12, 2007. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2007-08.
- Executive Order 2007-1 and Proposed 2006-07 Supplemental [133K], February 12, 2007. This report provides detail about the Governor's proposal to address the FY 2006-07 budget shortfall.
- The Michigan Department of Transportation's 2007-2011 Five-Year Program [531K], February 6, 2007. Prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Managing Medicaid Costs in Michigan [163K], January 2007. Prepared by Bill Fairgrieve and Steve Stauff. Fiscal Forum on Medicaid.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [88K], January 2007. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2007 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2007 conference.
- State of Michigan Revenue Estimates, State and Local Spending Pressures, and the FY 2006-07 Budget [237K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean. Presented to the members of the Michigan House of Representatives January 22, 2007.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2006-07 and FY 2007-08 [264K], January 2007. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The report presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2005-06, revised revenue estimates for FY 2006-07, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2007-08.
- The Michigan School Aid Act Compiled and Appendices [1,289K]. November 2006. In the 1994-95 state fiscal year, the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies jointly published a document relating to the School Aid Act. This document continues the tradition by combining the Michigan School Aid Act Compiled with a set of appendices that describe the Foundation Allowance approach that is now central to Michigan's funding of public schools.
- Fiscal Focus: State University Appropriations [326K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 2006. This report includes an overview of current state university appropriations, a discussion of funding earmarks, a review of historical funding methods, and an analysis of appropriation and enrollment trends over the last two decades.
- Revenue Review: November 2006 [71K]. Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2006-07 [253K]. Prepared by Ellen Jeffries and Kyle I. Jen, October 2006.
- Analysis of Proposal 1 of 2006 on the Ballot for November 7, 2006 [122K], October 2006.
- Analysis of Proposal 3 of 2006 on the Ballot for November 7, 2006 [124K], October 2006.
- Analysis of Proposal 4 of 2006 on the Ballot for November 7, 2006 [127K], October 2006.
- Analysis of Proposals on the Ballot November 7, 2006 [146K], October 2006. This report includes analyses of the potential fiscal impact of five proposals that will be included on the November ballot.
- The Basics of the Foundation Allowance [22K], October 2006. This report includes analyses of the potential fiscal impact of five proposals that will be included on the November ballot.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2006-07 [766K], September 2006. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2006-07 appropriations.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2006-07[210K], September 2006.
- Revenue Review: August 2006 [71K]. Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- K-16 Ballot Initiative [87K], July 27, 2006. A summary and FY 2006-07 cost analysis of the K-16 Ballot Initiative.
- Summary for Appropriation Bills - Conference Documents [684K], July 2006. Summaries for appropriation bills as passed Conference committees.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [579K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, June 2006. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2005-06 revenue with estimated FY 2006-07 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 17, 2006.
- Summary for HB 5796, (H-2) [414K], June 2006. Summary for omnibus budget appropriations bill as passed the House.
- Summary for HB 5795 [296K], May 2006. Summary for omnibus budget appropriations bill.
- Substitute for HB 5795 (H-1) [1,323K], May 2006. Omnibus budget appropriations bill; provide for fiscal years 2006 and 2007.
- HB 5789, School Aid FY 2006-07 As Passed the House [html].
- State University Funding Model, FY 2006-07 [244K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2, 2006. This memo provides a technical explanation of the funding model used to determine FY 2006-07 state university operations funding amounts under House Bill 5871 (H-1) Draft A—the House subcommittee substitute for the FY 2006-07 Higher Education budget.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [597K]. Prepared by Jim Stansell, May 19, 2006. FY 2005-06 enacted and FY 2006-07 Executive recommendation.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [81K], May 2006. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2006 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2007 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07 [252K], May 2006. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2004-05, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07.
- Degree Completions at State Universities [395K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2006. Fiscal Forum on the number of degrees students earned at Michigan's 15 state universities.
- Revenue Review: May 2006 [78K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Comprehensive Transportation Fund Revenue Issues[43K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, updated April 27, 2006. This memo provides an overview of the Comprehensive Transportation Fund (CTF).
- State Support for Local Public Transit [35K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, updated April 27, 2006. This memo provides information on state appropriations for public transportation programs.
- State University Graduation Rates [233K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, April 11, 2006. This memo provides data on current and historical graduation rates at state universities in Michigan, identifies factors influencing graduation rates, provides comparisons with graduation rates at similar institutions, discusses limitations associated with graduation rates, and provides an alternate degree completion measure.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 2005-06 [404K]. March 2006. This publication describes and categorizes grants-in-aid available through state departments.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [275K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2006. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2005-06 revenue with estimated FY 2006-07 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 12, 2006.
- Food and Dairy - Food Safety and Quality Assurance [44K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, March 14, 2006. This memo is a revised version of a memo presented to the subcommittee on February 28, 2006.
- Review and Analysis: The Governor's FY 2006-07 Budget Proposal [485K], March 2006. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2006-07, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Revenue Review: February 2006 [113K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2006-07 Executive Budget Recommendation [204K], February 2006. This preliminary review provides a look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2006-07.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [609K]. Prepared by Jim Stansell, February 10, 2006. FY 2005-06 estimated and FY 2006-07 Executive recommendation.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2005-06 [204K], January 2006.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [82K], January 12, 2006. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2006 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2006 conference.
- Book Closing EO 2005-7 Restoration [171K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, January 10, 2006. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07 [171K], January 2006. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2004-05, revised revenue estimates for FY 2005-06, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2006-07.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2005-06 [220K]. Prepared by Ellen Jeffries and Kyle I. Jen, December 2005.
- Revenue Review: November 2005 [118K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2005-06 [575K], October 2005. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2005-06 appropriations.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government: FY 2004-05 Actual and FY 2005-06 Estimated [145K]. October 11, 2005.
- State University Funding Model [542K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Updated September 27, 2005 to reflect the Conference-passed version of the budget. This memo provides a technical explanation of the funding model for determining state university operations funding amounts. Printing tip: To ensure faster printing of this document, click on the "Advanced" button in the Adobe Acrobat print window and then click on the "Print as image" box.
- HB 4831 Conference Report [620KB], September 2005.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [79K], August 2005. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the August 17 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2006 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, FY 2004-05 and FY 2005-06 [113K], August 2005. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2004-05 and FY 2005-06.
- Revenue Review: August 2005 [118K]. Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- AMTRAK Service in Michigan and State Operating Subsidy [27K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, July 13, 2005. Summary and background information on state operating subsidy for AMTRAK services in Michigan.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [360K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, June 2005. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2004-05 revenue with estimated FY 2005-06 revenue. Estimates in this report are based upon those agreed to at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 19, 2005.
- Budget Summaries - HB 4831 as passed the Full Appropriations Committee [395K]. June 8, 2005.
- Partial Restoration of EO 2005-7 Reductions [25K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2005. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittees on Community Colleges and Higher Education.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [81K], May 2005. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 19 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2006 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, Fiscal Years 2004-05 and 2005-06 [182K], May 2005. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2003-04, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2004-05 and FY 2005-06.
- Revenue Review: May 2005 [117K]. Prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- I-75 Pavement Demonstration Project [20K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, April, 2005. This memo discusses a 1993 "European" pavement design demonstration project.
- All Priorities, All Budgets FY 2005-06 Executive Recommendation Line Items With Funding Sources [284K]. April, 2005. "Price of Government" report with funding sources.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [360K]. Prepared by Rebecca Ross, March, 2005. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2004-05 revenue with estimated FY 2005-06 revenue.
- Privately Owned Cervid Licensing and Inspection Program [38K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, March, 2005. This memo provides an overview of PA 190 of 2000 (HB 4427), the Privately Owned Cervidae Producers Marketing Act (the Cervidae Act). This act established standards governing privately owned cervid livestock facilities.
- Summary of FY 2004-05 Supplemental Items: Enrolled HB 4308 [109K]. Prepared by Al Valenzio, March, 2005.
- Executive Order 2005-7 Summary [75K], March, 2005.
- School Aid Summary FY 2005-06 [26K] Conference recommendation. September 20, 2005.
- Review and Analysis: The Governor's FY 2005-06 Budget Proposal[548K], March, 2005. This publication provides information on revenue sources proposed in the Executive Recommendation for FY 2005-06, including tobacco settlement funds. It also provides summary charts and tables of proposed budget funds and sources.
- Michigan House of Representatives Results Team Report [448K], March, 2005. "Price of Government" report.
- FY 2005-06 Executive Recommendation Line Items: All Priorities/All Budgets [240K], March, 2005. "Price of Government" spreadsheet detailing priorities by line item.
- Revenue Review: February 2005 [115K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Executive Order 2005-03 and Supplemental Recommendation [137K], February 10, 2005. This memo provides information on Executive Order 2005-03 which addresses the fiscal year (FY) 2004-05 General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) shortfall.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2005-06 Executive Budget Recommendation [282K], February, 2005. This preliminary review provides a look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2005-06.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [80K], January, 2005. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 13 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2005 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, Fiscal Years 2004-05 and 2005-06 [186K], January 2005. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. This report presents final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2003-04, revised revenue estimates for FY 2004-05, and initial revenue estimates for FY 2005-06.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2004-05[218K], December 2004.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [77K], December 2004. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the December 3 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 13, 2005 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, Fiscal Years 2003-04 and 2004-05 [108K], December 2004. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the revised General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2003-04 and FY 2004-05.
- Revenue Review: November 2004 [82K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2004-05 [751K], October 2004. This report summarizes the enacted FY 2004-05 appropriations.
- Net Tuition Costs After Financial Aid at State Universities (Fiscal Focus) [345K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 2004. This report examines the relationship between tuition rates and financial aid - and the impact of policy changes on the costs ultimately paid by students.
- Analysis of Ballot Proposal 04-1 [294K], October 2004, prepared by Mark Wolf and Rebecca Ross. This report provides an analysis of proposal 04-1, which will be included on the November ballot.
- Analysis of Ballot Proposal 04-2 [74K], October 2004, prepared by Chris Couch. This report provides an analysis of Proposal 04-2, which will be included on the November ballot.
- Revenue Review: August 2004 [82K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Management and Budget Act Compiled, Public Act 431 of 1984 as amended [441K]. The Management and Budget Act defines the powers and duties of the Michigan Department of Management and Budget and provides guidelines for the operation of the Michigan state government. May 2004.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [75K], May 2004. The attached tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 18 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the January 2005 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, Fiscal Years 2003-04 and 2004-05 [148K], May 2004. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2002-03, and the revised revenue estimates for FY 2003-04 and FY 2004-05.
- Revenue Review: May 2004[81K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [321K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2004. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenues for the State of Michigan and comparisons of projected FY 2003-04 revenue with estimated FY 2004-05 revenue.
- Local Critical Bridge Fund/Program [21K] March 16, 2004, prepared by William E. Hamilton. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Michigan Department of Transportation Staffing Levels [49K] March 16, 2004, prepared by William E. Hamilton. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Review and Analysis: The Governor's FY 2004-05 Budget Proposal [558K], March 2004.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2004-05 Executive Budget Recommendation [272K], February 2004. This preliminary review of the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2004-05 includes charts showing distribution of GF/GP and adjusted gross funds recommended by the Executive, an overview of resources used in the Executive Recommendation, highlights of major features and changes proposed in the Executive Recommendation, and tables summarizing the FY 2004-05 Executive Recommendation by department and major budget area.
- Revenue Review: February 2004 [112K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Medicaid's Impact on the State Budget (Fiscal Forum) [150K], January 2004. Prepared by Mitchell Bean and Bill Fairgrieve. This Fiscal Forum is a briefing on the escalating Medicaid costs.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement[93K], January 2004. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the January 14 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2004 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan, Fiscal Years 2003-04 and 2004-05 [147K], January 2004. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 2002-03, the revised revenue estimates for FY 2003-04, and the initial revenue estimates for FY 2004-05.
- Family Independence Agency FY 2003-04 Appropriations Report [216K], prepared by Erin Black and Richard Child, December 2003.
- THE LONG VIEW: State University Enrollments, Revenues and Expenditures: FY 1977 through FY 2002 [794K] December 2003, prepared by Hank Prince. A report to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education. The report is an analysis of state university enrollments, revenues, and expenditures for the period of Fiscal Year 1977 through Fiscal Year 2002.
- Proration Analysis by District and Intermediate School District [66K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings. December 18, 2003.
- School Aid Supplemental FY 2003-04: Senate Bill 556 Conference Report [25K]. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings, December 18, 2003.
- Summary of HB 4367 (S-1) - FY 2003 and FY 2004 Supplemental Items [78K]. Prepared by Al Valenzio, December 15, 2003.
- Executive Order 2003-23 [62K]. Prepared by Mitch Bean, December 9, 2003. This memo provides a brief explanation of EO 2003-23 and related budget changes necessary to implement reduction of the $483.6 million GF/GP deficit for FY 2003-04.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 2003-04 [271K]. November 2003. This publication describes and categorizes grants-in-aid available through state departments.
- Michigan's Single Business Tax, Background and History [365K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 2003. This publication explains the rationale for the tax and its various provisions by reviewing the tax's history.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2003-04 [186K], November 2003.
- Revenue Review: November 2003 [179K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Personal Service Contracts [282K], October 24, 2003. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo reviews the statutory authority governing personal service contracts, controls over the contract procurement process, and legislative contract reporting requirements. This memo updates a House Fiscal Agency “Fiscal Focus” dated April 1998 on personal service contracts.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, [93K]. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the October 14, 2003 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 2002-03 and 2003-04 [212K], October 2004. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2001-02, and the revised revenue estimates for FY 2002-03 and FY 2003-04.
- Executive Order 2003-18 [138K], prepared by Mitchell Bean and Steve Stauff. October 6, 2003. Executive Order (EO) 2003-18 replaces EO 2003-14, which was rescinded by EO 2003-17. This memo was prepared to provide House members with an overview of programs and functions affected by Executive Order 2003-18, and possible fiscal implications.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2003-04 [251K], prepared by Hank Prince and Ellen Jeffries, September 2003. This report was prepared pursuant to Section 212(3) of Public Act 144 of 2003, the enacted annual Higher Education appropriations act.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, Fiscal Year 2003-04 [940K], September, 2003.
- Executive Order 2003-14 [134K], prepared by Mitchell Bean and Steve Stauff. September 25, 2003. This memo was prepared to provide House members with an overview of programs and functions affected by Executive Order 2003-14, and possible fiscal implications.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units [299K], prepared by Jim Stansell. September, 2003.
- Revenue Review: August 2003 [190K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Mackinac Bridge Bill Package: House Bills [138K], Mackinac Bridge Bill Package: Senate Bills [138K] prepared by William E. Hamilton, June 30, 2003. These two memos summarize bills regarding the Mackinac Bridge.
- Homeland Security Funding [138K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Sue Frey, June 19, 2003. This memo provides an overview of Michigan's federal grant awards for homeland security, as well as grants made directly to local fire departments by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- HB 4247 and HB 4248: 0.08% BAC and Federal Funding to Michigan Highway Programs [122K], May, 2003.
- Revenue Review: May 2003 [191K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [93K]. These tables provide a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2003 conference.
- The Padden Amendment [117K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, May 2003. The focus of this analysis is the so-called "Padden amendment," which was included in 1982 Public Act (PA) 438 amendments to 1951 PA 51, and set certain limitations on how the state Department of Transportation and county road commissions could spend state-restricted transportation revenue and federal highway aid.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2002-03 [180K], April 2003.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 2002-03 [387K], April 2003.
- Preserve First [123K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, April 24, 2003. This memo provides an overview of the Preserve First program. This program increases emphasis on the preservation of the state's transportation system.
- Review and Analysis: Governor's Budget Proposal [946K], March 2003.
- Revenue Source and Distribution [381K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, March 2003.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2003-04 Executive Budget Recommendation [271K], March 2003.
- Michigan's Forensic DNA Database [141K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, March 2003. This report provides background on the use of forensic DNA databases, summarizes the 2001 legislation expanding Michigan's database, and discusses implementing that legislation.
- Analysis of Executive Order 2003-03 [341K], February 21, 2003. This analysis provides details about the items contained in Executive Order 2003-03.
- Fiscal Update: January/February 2003 [120K]
- Revenue Review: February 2003 [228K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean and Rebecca Ross. A quarterly revenue report for the State of Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [153K], January 15, 2003.
- Estimated ISD Impact of Proration on School Funding [62K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings, January 2003.
- Michigan School Aid Act Compiled and Appendices [854K], January 2003.
- Proration of School Funding [94K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings, January 2003.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Governments [241K], prepared by Jim Stansell, December 2002. This report provides information on Michigan's revenue sharing payments made to local units.
- Appropriation Items Subject to Veto [17K], November 2002, prepared by Margaret Alston. This reference document presents guiding principles and statements that may be helpful when examining and analyzing appropriation line items vetoed by the Governor.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, Fiscal Year 2002-03 [921K], November, 2002.
- Family Independence Agency FY 2002-03 Appropriations Report [381K], prepared by Myron Freeman and Erin Black, November 2002.
- Foundation Allowances for Local School Districts: FY 2002, FY 2003, and FY 2004 [113K], October 2002, prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2002-03 [158K], September 2002.
- Analysis of Proposals on the Ballot[481K], September 2002. Proposal 02-1 Michigan Election Law; Proposal 02-2 Bonds for Sewage Treatment, Storm Water, and Water Pollution Projects; Proposal 02-3 Collective Bargaining with Binding Arbitration for State Employees; Proposal 02-4 Tobacco Settlement Revenue.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [689K], September 2002. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. Final FY 2001-02, and the enacted estimate for FY 2002-03 (including one-time grants).
- Revenue Source and Distribution [697K], prepared by Rebecca Ross, August 2002.
- Fiscal Forum: Consensus Revenue Estimating: The Process [123K], Prepared by Rebecca Ross, Senior Economist, May 2002.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement [130K], prepared by Mitchell E. Bean, Director, May 16, 2002.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 2001-02 and 2002-03 [459K], May 2002. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members of the final General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2000-01, and the revised revenue estimates for FY 2001-02 and FY 2002-03.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 2001-02 [658K], March 2002.
- Emergency Management Funding [385K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, March 2002, Fiscal Focus.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate, FY 2001-02 [236K], March 2002.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2002-03 Executive Budget Recommendation [608K], February 2002.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Units of Government [669K], February, 2002. Prepared by Jim Stansell. FY 2000-01 Actual, FY 2001-02 Estimated, FY 2002-03 Governor's Recommendation.
- Executive Order 2001-9 [254K], Mitch Bean, November 2001.
- Revenue Review: November 2001 [339K].
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2001-02 [304K], October 2001.
- Revenue Review: August 2001 [332K].
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Governments [973K], June 2001.
- Revenue Review: May 2001 [26K].
- Revenue Review: April 2001 [204K].
- Transportation: Road Construction Warranties[48K], by William E. Hamilton, March 2001. This Forum examines the subject of road construction warranties and reviews legislative initiatives regarding road construction warranties, the use of road construction warranties by the Michigan Department of Transportation, and policy issues related to use of warranties.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 2000-01 [239K], February 2001.
- Revenue Review: February 2001 [79K].
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Governments [369K], February 2001.
- Transportation: Asset Management [42K], by William E. Hamilton, February 2001. This Forum discusses the general concept of asset management as well as specific asset management systems currently used by Michigan road agencies.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2000-01 [114K], January 2001.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate, FY 2000-01[142K], January 2001.
- State Officers Compensation Commission [78K], December 2000.
- Family Independence Agency FY 2000-2001 Appropriations Report [299K], November 2000.
- Medicaid Special Financing Payments and Intergovernmental Transfers (Fiscal Forum) [49K], November 2000.
- Michigan's Veterans Programs [727K], Fiscal Focus prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 2000.
- Revenue Review: November 2000 [111K].
- Revenue Review: August 2000 [117K].
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Local Governments [2,050K], June 2000.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1999-2000 and 2000-01 [619K], May 2000. Prepared by Rebecca Ross and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for fiscal year (FY) 1999-2000 and FY 2000-01.
- County Jail Reimbursement Program: What Are The Issues? (Fiscal Focus) [655K], April 2000.
- Rewriting Act 51 (1951 PA 51), Funding Transportation in Michigan: Present and Future [407K], February 2000.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1999-2000 and 2000-01 [110K], January 2000. Prepared by Mitchell Bean and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for the current fiscal year and initial revenue estimates for Fiscal Year 2000-01.
- Funding Public Transportation, Local Bus Operating Assistance and CTF Revenue (Fiscal Focus) [94K], January 2000.
- Summary of Trends Affecting The Use of Prison, A [249K], November 1999.
- Traffic Citation Revenue in Michigan [146K], November 1999.
- Directory of State Administered Grants FY 1999-2000 [232K], October 1999.
- Challenges to Michigan's Horse Racing Industry (Fiscal Focus) [134K], October 1999.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 [212K], September 1999. Prepared by Mitchell Bean and Jim Stansell. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for the current fiscal year and for Fiscal Year 1999-2000.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 1999-2000 [104K], September 1999.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, Fiscal Year 1999-2000 [2.27MB], August, 1999.
- Discretionary and Required Spending in the State Budget (Fiscal Forum) [39K], May 1999.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 [127K], May 1999. Prepared by Mitchell Bean and Stephen Marasco. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for the current fiscal year and estimates for Fiscal Year 1999-00.
- Federal Welfare-To-Work Grant: What Is It? How Can It Be Successful? (Fiscal Forum) [54K], April 1999.
- Income Tax, State of Michigan: [171K], April 1999.
- Review and Analysis of Executive Order 1999-1 (Fiscal Forum) [54K], February 1999.
- Durant: What Happened and Implications for the Future (Fiscal Forum) [30K], January 1999.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1998-99 and 1999-2000 [617K], January 1999. Prepared by Mitchell Bean and Stephen Marasco. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for the current fiscal year and initial estimates for Fiscal Year 1999-00.
- Fiscal Fundamentals 1999, Part 1 [285K], January 1999. Fiscal Fundamentals 1999, Part 2 [313K].
- Synopsis of the Basics of School Funding, A [135K], January 1999.
- Michigan Economic and Industrial Trends, Part 1 (Fiscal Focus) [415K], November 1998.
- Michigan Economic and Industrial Trends, Part 2 (Fiscal Focus) [279K], November 1998.
- Enrolled House Bill 5083: Budget Stabilization Fund Withdrawal [8K], September 1998.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates, Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-1999 [368K], May 1998. Prepared by Mitch Bean and Steve Marasco. The purpose of this report is to inform members about the revised House Fiscal Agency General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue estimates for the current fiscal year and for Fiscal Years 1997-98 and 1998-1999.
- At-Risk Programs in Michigan's Community Colleges [37K], April 1998. Prepared by Kathryn Summers-Coty.
- Personal Service Contracts: An Overview [254K], April 1998. Prepared by Craig Thiel. This publication has been updated by William Hamilton in 2003; his memorandum can be read here.
- Community College Funding Formula: A Look at its Components [282K], March 1998. Prepared by Kathryn Summers-Coty.
- Michigan and Internet Taxation [100K], February 1998. Prepared by Mitch Bean and Marjorie Bilyeu.
- Toward Deregulation of Michigan's Electric Utility Industry: What Should We Expect? [93K], February 1998. Prepared by Mitch Bean and Marjorie Bilyeu.
- Michigan's Short Statute of Limitations Applying to Tax Laws: A Constitutional Controversy [54K], October 1997.
- Recent Legislative Changes to Michigan's Limited Liability Company Act [47K], October 1997.
- Mail Order Sales: Is Michigan Getting Its Fair Share of Sales and Use Taxes? [44K], September 1997.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates [86K], May 1997. Prepared jointly by the Michigan House Fiscal Agency, the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency, and the Michigan Department of Treasury. This publication presents information and insights concerning dynamic revenue forecasting.
- Dynamic Revenue Estimating: Will it work for Michigan? [196K], (prepared jointly by the Michigan House Fiscal Agency, the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency, and the Michigan Department of Treasury, March 1997). This publication presents information and insights concerning dynamic revenue forecasting.
- Medicaid Costs in Michigan, by Bill Fairgrieve, December 1996.
- Proposal A and Pupil Equity , by Hank Prince, December 1996.
- Healthy Michigan Fund , November 1996, prepared by Mary Ann Cleary.
- A History of Indian Gaming in Michigan, prepared by Jerry Griffin, September 1996.
- Federal Welfare Reform: Answers to the 21 Questions You Wanted to Ask [33K], prepared by Myron Freeman and Alec Rodney, February 1996.
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