Higher Education

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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.

Questions on the following documents should be directed to Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst for the Higher Education budget.


Key Documents and Links

ball Budget Briefing

ball MPSERS 101 Briefing

ball Higher Education Appropriations Reports

ball Higher Education Data

ball Michigan HEIDI Summary Reports

ball Line Item Summary

ball Subcommittee Minutes

ball Subcommittee Testimony

ball Higher Education Archives


FY 2025-26 Appropriations Bill Summaries


Special Reports


  • Fiscal Brief: Michigan Competitive Scholarship Program March 13, 2025. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides and overview of the Michigan Competitive Scholarship program, one of the state postsecondary financial aid programs administered by the Michigan Department of Livelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) and funded in the Higher Education budget.
  • Fiscal Brief: Use of School Aid Funds in Community Colleges and Higher Education January 28, 2025. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the increasing use of School Aid Fund revenues in the Community Colleges and Higher Education budgets since FY 2009-10.
  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2024-25 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Deputy Director, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2025. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2024-25 Higher Education budget were calculated.




  • Fiscal Brief: Michigan Tuition Grant Program March 17, 2022. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Michigan Tuition Grant program, one of the state postsecondary financial aid programs funded in the Higher Education budget.
  • Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2016-17 to 2020-21 March 1, 2022. This report covers the Public University Summary Data from the Michigan Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory (HEIDI) database for Fiscal Years 2016-17 to 2020-21. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.
  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2021-22 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2022. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2021-22 Higher Education budget were calculated.
  • Fiscal Brief: Use of School Aid Funds in Community Colleges and Higher Education January 28, 2022. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the increasing use of School Aid Fund revenues in the Community Colleges and Higher Education budgets since FY 2009-10.


  • Fiscal Brief: FY 2021-22 Public University Performance Funding October 18, 2021. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2021-22 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
  • Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2015-16 to 2019-20 April 12, 2021. This report covers the Public University Summary Data from the Michigan Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory (HEIDI) database for Fiscal Years 2015-16 to 2019-20. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.


  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2020-21 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, December 2020. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2020-21 Higher Education budget were calculated.
  • Fiscal Brief: CARES Act Education-Related Allocations November 25, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CARES Act.
  • Fiscal Brief: FY 2020-21 Public University Performance Funding November 16, 2020. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2020-21 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
  • Fiscal Brief: North American Indian Waiver Program for Higher Education October 15, 2020. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the North American Indian Tuition Waiver program and public universities, a brief history of program fund sources in the Higher Education budget, the effort to address program shortfalls borne by the universities, and the recent funding changes impacting tribal colleges.
  • Fiscal Brief: Proration of Payments Under the School Aid Act [474] May 12, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of automatic proration under Sec. 296 of the School Aid Act.
  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2019-20 [860K]. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2020. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2019-20 Higher Education budget were calculated.


  • Fiscal Brief: FY 2019-20 Public University Performance Funding [209K] October 30, 2019. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2019-20 appropriations increase to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the increase.
  • Fiscal Brief: Indian Tuition Waiver Program [221K] April 10, 2019. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Indian Tuition Waiver program, a brief history of program fund sources in the Higher Education budget, and the shortfall faced by universities in providing waivers to eligible students.
  • Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2013-14 to 2017-18 [976K], March 5, 2019. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2013-14 to 2017-18. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.




  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2016-17 [707K]. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2016. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2016-17 Higher Education budget were calculated.
  • Public University Performance Funding - FY 2016-17 [115K], September 29, 2016. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Public University Performance Funding increases for the state's 15 public universities within the FY 2016-17 Higher Education budget.


  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2015-16 [452K]. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2015. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2015-16 Higher Education budget were calculated.
  • FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding Memo [161K], September 22, 2015. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding.

ball Higher Education Archives