All Reports by Date
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – February 2025 March 21, 2025. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Brief: Michigan Competitive Scholarship Program March 13, 2025. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides and overview of the Michigan Competitive Scholarship program, one of the state postsecondary financial aid programs administered by the Michigan Department of Livelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) and funded in the Higher Education budget.
- Fiscal Brief: Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection May 21, 2024 (As Edited February 24, 2025). Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication reviews the history of motor fuel taxes in Michigan, including the legal authorities for motor fuel taxes, the method of tax collection, and the distribution of motor fuel tax revenue. It also describes other taxes and fees imposed on the sale of motor fuel in Michigan, including Michigan's general sales tax.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update
February 21, 2025. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages). The publication includes a flowchart showing the estimated distribution of MTF revenue for FY 2024-25. The publication also includes tables showing the history of MTF revenue and distribution from FY 1996-97 through FY 2024-25. - Review and Analysis: FY 2025-26 Executive Budget Recommendation February 20, 2025. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2025-26 and FY 2026-27. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- FY 2025-26 Executive Budget Overview Supplementals and Omnibus Presentation February 19, 2025. By: Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2025-26 Executive Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – January 2025 February 18, 2025. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Brief: Make It in Michigan Competitiveness Fund February 12, 2025. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst. This brief provides background information on the Make It in Michigan Competitiveness Fund, describes the process for approving state funding for projects, and gives details on projects that have received state and federal support.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2025-26 Executive Budget Recommendation February 7, 2025. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2025-26.
- Fiscal Snapshot: MiLEAP Administered State Financial Aid Overview January 2025
- Fiscal Brief: Use of School Aid Funds in Community Colleges and Higher Education January 28, 2025. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the increasing use of School Aid Fund revenues in the Community Colleges and Higher Education budgets since FY 2009-10.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2024-25 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Deputy Director, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2025. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2024-25 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary January 10, 2025. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2025 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2025 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary January 10, 2025. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2025, 2026 and 2027.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2024-25 Through FY 2026-27 January 8, 2025. Prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2024 through CY 2027. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2023-24, revised revenue estimates for FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26, and initial estimates for FY 2026-27. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 10, 2025 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution December 23, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2022-23 revenue, and estimated FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2024 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. This publication also includes final FY 2022-23 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition as well as state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- Economic Snapshot: October 2024 Employment Report November
- Budget Poster - FY 2024-25 December 3, 2024. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget. Email HFA Administration to request a color copy.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – October 2024 November 15, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Economic Snapshot: October 2024 Inflation and Interest Rates October 2024
- Fiscal Brief: Community College Performance Funding Formula, Best Practices Certification, and Tuition and Fee Restraint October 15, 2024. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2024-25 performance funding formula for community colleges, which determines individual appropriations to the 28 community colleges, along with best practices certification, and tuition and fee restraint requirements community colleges must meet in order to receive the appropriation.
- Fiscal Brief: Public University FY 2024-25 Operations Increase, Best Practices Certification, and Tuition and Fee Restraint October 15, 2024. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2024-25 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – September 2024 October 9, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2018-19 to 2022-23 October 8, 2024. This report covers the Public University Summary Data from the Michigan Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory (HEIDI) database for Fiscal Years 2018-19 to 2022-23. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2024-25 September 18, 2024. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2024-25 appropriation acts.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2023-24 September 17, 2024. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2024-25 year to date state budget.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Medicaid Redetermination Outcomes September 2024
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – August 2024 September 11, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Traffic Citation Revenue August 14, 2024. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- Fiscal Brief: Civil Filing Fee Fund August 14, 2024. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Civil Filing Fee Fund, describing funding sources and revenue distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Justice System Fund August 14, 2024. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Justice System Fund, describing revenue sources and fund distributions.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – July 2024 August 12, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Budget Stabilization Fund (BSF) July 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Bachelor's Degree Offerings at Michigan Community Colleges July 2024
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – June 2024 July 11, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – May 2024 June 12, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection May 21, 2024 (As Edited December 2, 2024). Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication reviews the history of motor fuel taxes in Michigan, including the legal authorities for motor fuel taxes, the method of tax collection, and the distribution of motor fuel tax revenue. It also describes other taxes and fees imposed on the sale of motor fuel in Michigan, including Michigan's general sales tax.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary May 17, 2024. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2024 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2025 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary May 17, 2024. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2024, 2025 and 2026.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2023-24 Through FY 2025-26 May 16, 2024. Prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2023 through CY 2026. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2022-23 and revised revenue estimates for FY 2023-24 through FY 2025-26. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 17, 2024 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Legislative Snapshot: Michigan Bottle Bill March 2024
- Fiscal Brief: Double Up Food Bucks March 28, 2024. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes Double Up Food Bucks, a program administered by the private non-profit Fair Food Network. The program increases the purchasing power of Michigan residents who receive SNAP benefits by providing a dollar-for-dollar match – up to $20 per day – to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at participating grocery stores and farmer’s markets.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Civil Rights Complaint Investigations March 2024
- Fiscal Brief: State Transportation Bonds and Debt Service - Summary
March 14, 2024. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program. The publication also identifies outstanding transportation debt as of September 30, 2023, related debt service, and recent bond sales under the Rebuilding Michigan bond program. - Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update
March 14, 2024. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages). The publication includes a flowchart showing the estimated distribution of MTF revenue for FY 2023-24. The publication also includes tables showing the history of MTF revenue and distribution from FY 1996-97 through FY 2023-24. - HFA Monthly Revenue Update – February 2024 March 13, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Senior Economist.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2024-25 Executive Budget Recommendation February 29, 2024. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Budget Poster - FY 2023-24 February 27, 2024. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget. Email HFA Administration to request a color copy.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Deputy Director, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, February 2024. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2023-24 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – January 2024 February 14, 2024. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- FY 2024-25 Executive Budget Overview Supplementals and General Omnibus Presentation February 14, 2024. By: Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2024-25 Executive Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2024-25 Executive Budget Recommendation February 9, 2024. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2024-25.
- Fiscal Brief: Child Welfare Funding Determination January 26, 2024. Prepared by Sydney Brown, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview on funding determinations for youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.
- Background Brief: Proposal 22-2 and Related Changes to the Michigan Election Law January 19, 2024. Prepared by Holly Kuhn, Legislative Analyst. This publication describes various changes made to Michigan's election procedures after the passage of Ballot Proposal 2022-2.
- Fiscal Brief: Public University FY 2023-24 Operations Increase, FYES Floor Funding, and Tuition and Fee Restraint January 16, 2024. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2023-24 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary January 12, 2024. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2024 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2024 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary January 12, 2024. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2024, 2025 and 2026.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2023-24 Through FY 2025-26 January 10, 2024. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2023 through CY 2026. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2022-23, revised revenue estimates for FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25, and initial estimates for FY 2025-26. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 12, 2024 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Conservation Officers January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Cost of Caring for Prisoners January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Cost of Corrections January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Employee Recruitment/Retention Challenges and Overtime Hours/Costs January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Justices' and Judges' Compensation January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Offender Success Services January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Non-Petroleum Cleanups January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Petroleum Cleanups January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: Problem Solving Courts January 2024
- Fiscal Snapshot: State Parks January 2024
- Legislative Snapshot: Earned Income Tax Credit January 2024
- Fiscal Brief: Special Education Funding December 21, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the special education program.
- Fiscal Brief: Community Colleges Performance Funding Formula and Tuition and Fee Restraint December 19, 2023. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2023-24 performance funding formula for community colleges, which determines individual appropriations to the 28 community colleges, along with the tuition and fee restraint requirements community colleges must meet in order to receive the appropriation.
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Funding—FY 2023-24 Update November 29, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2023-24 Update November 9, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – October 2023 November 8, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Medicaid Caseloads November 2023
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – September 2023 October 11, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2023-24 September 13, 2023. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2023-24 year to date state budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – August 2023 September 12, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution September 12, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2021-22 revenue, and estimated FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2023 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. This publication also includes final FY 2021-22 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition as well as state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2023-24 September 6, 2023. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2023-24 appropriation acts.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – July 2023 August 10, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: The Comprehensive Transportation Fund (CTF) and State Support for Local Public Transportation August 8, 2023. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the sources and distribution of the state-restricted Comprehensive Transportation Fund, including the use of fund revenue for operating and capital assistance to local public transit agencies in Michigan.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – June 2023 July 13, 2023. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – May 2023 June 9, 2023. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2022-23 Through FY 2024-25 May 17, 2023. Prepared by Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2022 through CY 2025. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 and revised revenue estimates for FY 2022-23 through FY 2024-25. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 19, 2023 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: Traffic Citation Revenue May 9, 2023. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – March 2023 April 12, 2023. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Brief: Federal Aid in Michigan's Transportation Budget - Focus on the Federal-Aid Highway Program March 31, 2023. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Brief explains the use of federal-aid in Michigan’s transportation budget, with a focus on the federal-aid highway program and the allocation of federal-aid highway funds to local road agencies. This publication updates a 2019 Fiscal Brief: Allocation of Federal Aid to Local Road Agencies, to reflect the reauthorization of the federal-aid surface transportation program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – February 2023 March 9, 2023. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Brief: Double Up Food Bucks March 7, 2023. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes Double Up Food Bucks, a program administered by the private non-profit Fair Food Network. The program increases the purchasing power of Michigan residents who receive SNAP benefits by providing a dollar-for-dollar match – up to $10 per day – to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at participating grocery stores and farmer’s markets.
- Fiscal Brief: ARP Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the ARP Act.
- Fiscal Brief: CRRSA Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CRRSA Act.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2023-24 Executive Budget Recommendation February 24, 2023. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update February 20, 2023. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2022-23 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Deputy Director, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, February 2023. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2022-23 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2023-24 Executive Budget Recommendation February 10, 2023. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2023-24.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – January 2023 February 9, 2023. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Brief: Civil Filing Fee Fund February 8, 2023. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Civil Filing Fee Fund, describing funding sources and revenue distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Justice System Fund February 8, 2023. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Justice System Fund, describing revenue sources and fund distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: 2023 EGLE Fee Sunsets - Revised [169K] February 7, 2023. Prepared by Austin Scott, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication details the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy fees scheduled to sunset in 2023.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Capital Outlay Project Overview January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Child Care Fund Spending January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Conservation Officers January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Childhood Lead Program January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: COVID-19 Federal Testing and Vaccine Funding January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Family Independence Program January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Family Planning and Pregnancy Prevention January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Foster Care Caseloads and Spending January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: The Foundation Allowance January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Medicaid Caseloads January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Michigan Achievement Scholarship January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: MSF Business Attraction and Revitalization Program January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: MSP Trooper Strength January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Non-Petroleum Cleanups January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: One-Time Public University MPSERS Funding FY 2021-22 January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Petroleum Cleanups January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Special Education Funding January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: State Lottery January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: State Parks January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: State Psychiatric Hospital January 2023
- Fiscal Snapshot: Transportation Administration Collection Fund (TACF) January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Constitutional Requirements for Bills and Laws January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Laws That Apply to Other Laws January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Headlee Rollbacks and Millage Reduction Fraction January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Michigan Consumer Protection Act January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998 January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Michigan Occupational Code January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: The "Pension Tax" (Three Tiered Treatment of Retirement Income) January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Principal Residence Exemption January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Revised School Code January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Special Cause Fundraising License Plates January 2023
- Legislative Snapshot: Tax Increment Financing Authority January 2023
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Pupil Funding [267K] January 31, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Ten-Year University Enrollment Trends January 2023
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2022-23 Update January 18, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Noel Benson, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary January 13, 2023. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2023 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2023 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary January 13, 2023. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2023, 2024 and 2025.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2022-23 Through FY 2024-25 January 12, 2023. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2022 through CY 2025. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2021-22, revised revenue estimates for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24, and initial estimates for FY 2024-25. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 13, 2023 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: FY 2022-23 Public University Operations Increase and FYES Floor Funding January 12, 2023. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2022-23 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – November 2022 December 9, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, and Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director.
- Fiscal Snapshot: Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference December 2022
- Fiscal Brief: Community Colleges Performance Funding Formula and Tuition and Fee Restraint November 15, 2022. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2022-23 performance funding formula for community colleges, which determines individual appropriations to the 28 community colleges, along with the tuition and fee restraint requirements community colleges must meet in order to receive the appropriation.
- Budget Poster - FY 2022-23 November 14, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget. Email HFA Administration to request a color copy.
- Fiscal Brief: 2023 EGLE Fee Sunsets [169K] November 9, 2022. Prepared by Austin Scott, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication details the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy fees scheduled to sunset in 2023.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – October 2022 November 7, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Ballot Proposal 3 of 2022 - Reproductive Freedom for All Petition October 26, 2022. Prepared by Rick Yuille, Associate Director, Robin Risko, Associate Director, and Kevin Koorstra, Deputy Director. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 3 of 2022.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – September 2022 October 13, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2022 - Legislative Term Limits and Financial Disclosure by State Elected Officials October 11, 2022. Prepared by Rick Yuille, Legislative Analyst and Michael Cnossen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 1 of 2022.
- Ballot Proposal 2 of 2022 - Promote the Vote Petition October 13, 2022. Prepared by Holly Kuhn, Legislative Analyst and Michael Cnossen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 2 of 2022.
- Ballot Proposal 3 of 2022 - Reproductive Freedom for All Petition October 26, 2022. Prepared by Rick Yuille, Associate Director, Robin Risko, Associate Director, and Kevin Koorstra, Deputy Director. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 3 of 2022.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2022-23 September 30, 2022. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2022-23 year to date state budget.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2022-23 September 14, 2022. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2022-23 appropriation acts.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – August 2022 September 12, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution September 6, 2022. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2020-21 revenue, and estimated FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2022 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. This publication also includes final FY 2020-21 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition as well as state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – July 2022 August 9, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – June 2022 July 12, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – May 2022 June 9, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary May 20, 2022. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2022 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2023 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary May 20, 2022. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2021-22 Through FY 2023-24 May 18, 2022. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2021 through CY 2024. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21 and revised revenue estimates for FY 2021-22 through FY 2023-24. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 20, 2022 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – March 2022 April 12, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – March 2022 April 12, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update March 22, 2022. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- Fiscal Brief: Michigan Tuition Grant Program March 17, 2022. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Michigan Tuition Grant program, one of the state postsecondary financial aid programs funded in the Higher Education budget.
- Fiscal Brief: LARA Fee Sunsets 2023 March 15, 2022. Prepared by Marcus Coffin, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides detail on the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs fees scheduled to sunset in 2023.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – February 2022 March 11, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2016-17 to 2020-21 March 1, 2022. This report covers the Public University Summary Data from the Michigan Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory (HEIDI) database for Fiscal Years 2016-17 to 2020-21. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Budget Poster - FY 2021-22 February 25, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget. Email HFA Administration to request a color copy.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2022-23 Executive Budget Recommendation February 24, 2022. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – January 2022 February 17, 2022. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2022-23 Executive Budget Recommendation February 11, 2022. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2022-23.
- Fiscal Brief: Civil Filing Fee Fund February 1, 2022. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Civil Filing Fee Fund, describing funding sources and revenue distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Justice System Fund February 1, 2022. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Justice System Fund, describing revenue sources and fund distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Traffic Citation Revenue February 1, 2022. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2021-22 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2022. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2021-22 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Fiscal Brief: Use of School Aid Funds in Community Colleges and Higher Education January 28, 2022. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the increasing use of School Aid Fund revenues in the Community Colleges and Higher Education budgets since FY 2009-10.
- Fiscal Brief: State and Federal Broadband Expansion Programs January 26, 2022. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication summarizes state and federal funding opportunities for broadband internet expansion, including funding recently provided by the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary January 14, 2022. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2022 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2022 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary January 14, 2022. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2021-22 Through FY 2023-24 January 12, 2022. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2021 through CY 2024. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21, revised revenue estimates for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23, and initial estimates for FY 2023-24. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 14, 2022 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2021-22 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2022. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2021-22 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – October 2021 November 16, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2021-22 November 10, 2021. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2021-22 appropriation acts.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2021-22 November 4, 2021. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2021-22 year to date state budget.
- Fiscal Brief: FY 2021-22 Public University Performance Funding October 18, 2021. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2021-22 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – September 2021 October 14, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – August 2021 September 14, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021-Update August 31, 2021. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director (Coordinator); HFA Analysts by Policy Area. This updated publication provides an overview of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, an act providing approximately $1.9 trillion of assistance in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – July 2021 August 10, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution August 10, 2021. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2019-20 revenue, and estimated FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2021 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. This publication also includes final FY 2019-20 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition as well as state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – June 2021 July 14, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – May 2021 June 11, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary May 21, 2021. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2021 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2022 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary May 21, 2021. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2020-21 Through FY 2022-23 May 20, 2021. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2020 through CY 2023. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2019-20, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2020-21 through FY 2022-23. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 21, 2021, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: Double Up Food Bucks April 27, 2021. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication describes Double Up Food Bucks, a program administered by the private non-profit Fair Food Network. The program increases the purchasing power of Michigan residents who receive SNAP benefits by providing a dollar-for-dollar match – up to $20 per day – to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at participating grocery stores and farmer’s markets.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2015-16 to 2019-20 April 12, 2021. This report covers the Public University Summary Data from the Michigan Higher Education Institutional Data Inventory (HEIDI) database for Fiscal Years 2015-16 to 2019-20. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – March 2021 April 12, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – February 2021 March 12, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: State Transportation Bonds and Debt Service - Summary March 3, 2021. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update March 3, 2021. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- Review and Analysis: FY 2021-22 Executive Budget Recommendation February 28, 2021. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- FY 2021-22 Executive Education Budget Overview, Supplemental and Education Omnibus February 24, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2021-22 Executive Education Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- FY 2021-22 Executive Budget Overview, Supplementals and General Omnibus February 17, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2021-22 Executive Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2021-22 Executive Budget Recommendation February 15, 2021. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2021-22.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – January 2021 February 10. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Budget Poster - FY 2020-21 January 31, 2021. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget.
- Briefing: Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund January 27, 2021. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director. A briefing on the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, as presented to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Fiscal Brief: Civil Filing Fee Fund January 26, 2021. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Civil Filing Fee Fund, describing funding sources and distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Justice System Fund January 26, 2021. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the Justice System Fund, describing revenue sources and fund distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Traffic Citation Revenue January 26, 2021. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director. This updated fiscal brief provides an overview of the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary January 15, 2021. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2021 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2021 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary January 15, 2021. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2020-21 Through FY 2022-23 January 14, 2021. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2020 through CY 2023. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2019-20, revised revenue estimates for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22, and initial estimates for FY 2022-23. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 15, 2021 and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2020-21 Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, December 2020. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2020-21 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – November 2020 December 9. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Federal Stimulus Legislation in Response to COVID-19 - Update December 3, 2020. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Associate Director. This updated publication provides an overview of the federal stimulus bills enacted, as of December 3, 2020, in response to the coronavirus epidemic.
- Fiscal Brief: CARES Act Education-Related Allocations November 25, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CARES Act.
- Fiscal Brief: K-12 Education During COVID-19: Return to Learn and Funding Provisions November 20, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Jenny McInerney, Senior Legislative Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the Return to Learn package and additional appropriations intended to address K-12 schooling needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Fiscal Brief: FY 2020-21 Public University Performance Funding November 16, 2020. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2020-21 appropriations to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the appropriation.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2020-21 November 10, 2020. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2020-21 year to date state budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – October 2020 November 10. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2020-21 November 2, 2020. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2020-21 appropriation acts.
- Fiscal Brief: Federal Election Grants and Post-COVID-19 Election Costs October 29, 2020. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides details on conditions and uses of the Election Security Grant issued to Michigan under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for supporting COVID-19-related election costs and other federal funds available for elections.
- Background Brief: Absentee Voting in the Post—Proposal 3/COVID-19 Era October 19, 2020. Prepared by Jenny McInerney, Senior Legislative Analyst. This publication provides an overview of absentee voting in Michigan, with a focus on recent constitutional and statutory changes as well as accommodations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Fiscal Brief: North American Indian Waiver Program for Community Colleges October 15, 2020. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the North American Indian Tuition Waiver program and community colleges, a look at recent program participation, a brief history of program fund sources in the Community Colleges budget and the effort to address program shortfalls borne by the community colleges.
- Fiscal Brief: North American Indian Waiver Program for Higher Education October 15, 2020. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the North American Indian Tuition Waiver program and public universities, a brief history of program fund sources in the Higher Education budget, the effort to address program shortfalls borne by the universities, and the recent funding changes impacting tribal colleges.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – September 2020 October 13, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2020 - Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund Constitutional Amendments October 7, 2020. Prepared by Austin Scott, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Rick Yuille, Associate Director. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 1 of 2020.
- Ballot Proposal 2 of 2020 - Accessing Electronic Data or Communications October 7, 2020. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Associate Director, Marcus Coffin, Fiscal Analyst and Susan Stutzky, Senior Legislative Analyst. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 2 of 2020.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution September 30, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2018-19 revenue, and estimated FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the August 2020 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. This publication also includes final FY 2018-19 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition. It also includes state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – August 2020 September 11, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary August 24, 2020. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the August 2020 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2021 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary August 24, 2020 Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – July 2020 August 17, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Executive Order 2020-155 Expenditure Reductions Letter -FY 2019-20 July 22, 2020. Implementation of expenditure reductions under Section 20 of Article 5 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963.
- Work Project Lapse Directive Letter - FY 2019-20 July 22, 2020.
- Executive Order 2020-155 Budget Reductions Summary - FY 2019-20 July 21, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Robin R. Risko, Associate Director.
- Work Project Account Lapses Summary - FY 2019-20 July 21, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Robin R. Risko, Associate Director.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – June 2020 July 16, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – May 2020 [381K] June 9, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [495K] May 15, 2020. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2020 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the August/September 2020 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [560K] May 15, 2020 Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2019-20 Through FY 2021-22 [694K], May 13, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2019 through CY 2022. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2018-19, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2019-20 through FY 2021-22. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 15, 2020, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: Proration of Payments Under the School Aid Act [474] May 12, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of automatic proration under Sec. 296 of the School Aid Act.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update – March 2020 [381K] April 14, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- County Revenue Sharing and County Incentive Program (CIP) Payments [81K], March 6, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides county revenue sharing and eligible CIP payments for FY 2018-19 (final), FY 2019-20 (enacted) and FY 2020-21 (Exec Rec)
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [942K], March 6, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments for FY 2018-19 (final), FY 2019-20 (enacted), and FY 2020-21 (Exec Rec).
- Fiscal Brief: State Transportation Bonds and Debt Service - Summary [718K] March 5, 2020. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This updated publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program.
- Budget Poster - FY 2019-20 [108K], February 26, 2020 Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [563K] February 20, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes preliminary FY 2018-19 revenue, and estimated FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2020 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC). This publication also includes final FY 2017-18 collections by type of tax and provides information for each tax with regard to the tax base, rate, and disposition. It also includes state revenue dedication information including tax type, dedicated amount, and recipient of dedicated funds.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2020-21 Executive Budget Recommendation [2.54K], February 19, 2020. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - January 2020 [264K] February 19, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- FY 2020-21 Executive Budget Overview [258K], February 12, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2020-21 Executive Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2020-21 Executive Budget Recommendation [851K], February 11, 2020. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2020-21.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2019-20 [860K]. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Senate Fiscal Fiscal Agency, January 2020. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2019-20 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview [267K] January 22, 2020. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview on the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2019-20 [2.90K], January 14, 2020. This publication provides a summary and analysis of the FY 2019-20 year to date state budget.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [341K], January 10, 2020. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2020 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2020 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [92K], January 10, 2020. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2020, 2021 and 2022.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2019-20 Through FY 2021-22 [458K], January 8, 2020. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist and Benjamin Gielczyk, Associate Director. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2019 through CY 2022. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2018-19, revised revenue estimates for FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, and initial estimates for FY 2021-22. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 10, 2020, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2019-20 - Revised [142K], December 31, 2019. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2019-20 appropriation acts. Revised to include sections in the FY 2019-20 supplemental appropriations bills, 2019 PA 154 and 2019 PA 162.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - November 2019 [262K] December 12, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - October 2019 [264K] November 12, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: FY 2019-20 Public University Performance Funding [209K] October 30, 2019. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2019-20 appropriations increase to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the increase.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - September 2019 [263K] October 11, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- FY 2019-20 Appropriations - Summary of Vetoes in Public Acts 52 through 67 of 2019 [238K] October 7, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Robin R. Risko, Associate Director.
- State Administrative Board Transfers - FY 2019-20 [243K], October 8, 2019
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - August 2019 [262K] September 13, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Child Development and Care (CDC) Program [561K] August 23, 2019. Prepared by Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Michigan Child Development and Care (CDC) program that is administered by Michigan Department of Education (MDE). The CDC program providers child care subsidies for eligible families, oversight of all state child care licensing, and funding to improve the health, safety, and quality of child care opportunities.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [574K] August 22, 2019. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2017-18 revenue, and estimated FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2019 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC).
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - July 2019 [261K] August 13, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - June 2019 [261K] July 11, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - May 2019 [261K] June 11, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [355K], May 17, 2019. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2019 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2020 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [104K], May 17, 2019. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2018-19 Through FY 2020-21 [564K], May 15, 2019. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2018 through CY 2021. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2017-18, and revised revenue estimates for FY 2018-19 through FY 2020-21. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 17, 2019, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies - Update [729K] May 6, 2019. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- FY 2018-19 Michigan Transportation Fund Revenues and Distributions [169K] May 6, 2019. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This flowchart represents the distribution of the Michigan Transportation Fund and Revenues distributions Per Sec. 10, 1951 PA 51.
- Fiscal Brief: Legislative Appropriations Transfers [767K] April 23, 2019. Prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of legislative appropriations transfers and explains the mechanics and various steps of the transfer process.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - March 2019 [262K] April 12, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Indian Tuition Waiver Program [221K] April 10, 2019. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Indian Tuition Waiver program, a brief history of program fund sources in the Higher Education budget, and the shortfall faced by universities in providing waivers to eligible students.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [477K] April 2, 2019. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2017-18 revenue, and estimated FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2019 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC).
- FY 2019-20 Executive Budget Overview [254K], March 20, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2019-20 Executive Budget Recommendation given to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2019-20 Executive Budget Recommendation [206K], March 19, 2019. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - February 2019 [261K] March 13, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2019-20 Executive Budget Recommendation [851K], March 7, 2019. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2019-20.
- Fiscal Brief: Fire Protection Grants [693K] March 5, 2019. Prepared by Marcus Coffin, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a brief examination of the history of fire protection grants that are distributed to municipalities providing fire services to state-owned facilities, describes the current funding mechanism for the grants, and presents the grant funding that municipalities have received in recent fiscal years.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2013-14 to 2017-18 [976K], March 5, 2019. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2013-14 to 2017-18. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Josh Sefton, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Fiscal Brief: Food Assistance Program Eligibility and Oversight [575K] March 4, 2019. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the state-administered public assistance program that provides federally funded Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits to low-income Michigan residents, as well as requirements for eligibility and steps taken by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to prevent and detect improper use.
- Fiscal Brief: State Funding to Address PFAS Contamination [602K] March 1, 2019. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst, Susan Frey, Senior Fiscal Analyst and William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes state funding for PFAS response in the Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health & Human Services.
- Budget Briefings for Members and Staff [524K], January 24, 2019. This flyer lists the dates and times for Budget Briefings for the month of February 2019.
- Fiscal Brief: Justice System Fund [561K] February 25, 2019. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This fiscal brief provides an overview of the Justice System Fund, describing revenue sources and fund distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Civil Filing Fee Fund [541K] February 25, 2019. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This fiscal brief provides an overview of the Civil Filing Fee Fund, describing funding sources and distributions.
- Fiscal Brief: Traffic Citation Revenue [617K] February 25, 2019. Prepared by Robin R. Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This fiscal brief provides an overview of the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - January 2019 [81K] February 15, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview [259K] January 30, 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview on the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Fiscal Brief: The Convention Facility Development Fund Revenues and Distributions [154K] February 7, 2019. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Brief provides a brief background on the Cobo Center and explains Convention Facility Development Fund revenues and distribution.
- Fiscal Brief: Allocation of Federal Aid To Local Road Agencies [169K] February 7, 2019. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Brief explains the use of federal aid surface transportation funds in the state transportation budget, and specifically, how federal aid is made available for local road agency programs.
- Fiscal Brief: State Transportation Bonds and Debt Service [100K] February 7, 2019. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program, as well as the recent history of bonds issued by the department and related debt service.
- Fiscal Brief: Contingent Fund, Penalty and Interest Account [693K] January 30, 2019. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the Unemployment Insurance Agency - Contingent Fund, Penalty and Interest Account revenues and expenditures.
- A Legislator's Guide to Michigan's Budget Process (Update) [537K] January 2019. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director. This document explains the annual process for enacting the budget for the State of Michigan.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [346K], January 11, 2019. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2019 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2019 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [90K], January 11, 2019. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2018-19 Through FY 2020-21 [278K], January 9, 2019. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2018 through CY 2021. It also presents preliminary General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2017-18, revised revenue estimates for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20, and initial estimates for FY 2020-21. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 11, 2019, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Fiscal Brief: Lawsuit Settlement Proceeds Fund [436K] January 8, 2019. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the authorized uses of the Lawsuit Settlement Proceeds Fund along with the history of revenues to the fund and appropriations made with the fund.
- Budget Poster - FY 2018-19 [118K], November 30, 2018 Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x 17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget.
- Fiscal Brief: Detroit-Wayne County Port Authority [403K] November 30, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes Michigan’s Port Authority Act (Public Act 639 of 1978) and the Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority organized under Public Act 639.
- Fiscal Brief: At-Risk Pupil Funding [215K] November 13, 2018. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director, Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides a funding history for the At-Risk Pupil Program and describes the method for determining district allocations, the definition of at-risk pupil, and what qualifies as eligible expenses.
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies [732K] November 9, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst.This publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - October 2018 [263K] November 9, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Brief: Basics of the Foundation Allowance—FY 2018-19 Update [770K] November 7, 2018. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director, Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the history of the foundation allowance and the method for determining annual funding increases since Proposal A.
- Fiscal Brief: State Aid to Public Libraries [470K] November 2, 2018. Prepared by Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication details the State Aid to Public Libraries grants and public libraries’ operating income and expenditures.
- Background Brief: A Brief History of Legislative Apportionment in Michigan [663K] November 2, 2018. Prepared by Jenny McInerney, Legislative Analyst. This publication describes the various ways in which district boundaries were determined historically for the Michigan House of Representatives, Michigan Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives.
- Fiscal Brief: Healthy Michigan Plan Savings and Cost Estimates [443K] October 30, 2018. Prepared by Kevin Koorstra, Associate Director. This publication provides an update on GF/GP cost and savings estimates for Healthy Michigan Plan.
- Fiscal Brief: 2019 DEQ Fee Sunsets [448K] October 30, 2018. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst. This publication details the Department of Environmental Quality fees scheduled to sunset in 2019.
- State Restricted Fund Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2018-19 [112K] October 26, 2018. Prepared by House Fiscal Agency. This publication provides key information on all restricted fund appropriations in the FY 2018-19 state budget, including the legal basis for the fund, whether the fund is statutory or constitutional, the type of restriction applied to fund revenue, and whether the fund is used for federal match/MOE purposes. Funds are listed in descending order of appropriation amount within each area of the state budget.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2018 - Marijuana Initiative [342K] October 16, 2018. Prepared by the following analysts: Marcus Coffin, Robin Risko, Jim Stansell, Ben Gielczyk, William E. Hamilton, Susan Stutzky and Rick Yuille. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 1 of 2018.
- Ballot Proposal 2 of 2018 - Voters Not Politicians Petition/Independent Redistricting Commission [470K] October 16, 2018. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst and Jenny McInerney, Legislative Analyst. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 2 of 2018.
- Ballot Proposal 3 of 2018 - Promote The Vote Petition [344K] October 12, 2018. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst and Jenny McInerney, Legislative Analyst. This analysis gives a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 3 of 2018 - Promote The Vote.
- Fiscal Brief: Use of School Aid Funds in Community Colleges and Higher Education [567K] October 11, 2018. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the increasing use of School Aid Fund revenues in the Community Colleges and Higher Education budgets since FY 2009-10.
- Fiscal Brief: FY 2018-19 Public University Performance Funding [613K] October 10, 2018. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the FY 2018-19 appropriations increase to the 15 public universities, along with the requirements universities must meet to receive the increase.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - September 2018 [82K] October 10, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2018-19 [296K]. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, September 2018. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2018-19 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - August 2018 [264K] September 11, 2018 Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Earned Sick Time Initiative Summary [76K] September 5, 2018. Prepared by Marcus Coffin, Bethany Wicksall and Rick Yuille. This analysis gives information on the Earned Sick Time Initiative.
- Minimum Wage Initiative Summary [137K] September 5, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Kevin Koorstra, Kent Dell and Rick Yuille. This analysis gives information on the Minimum Wage Initiative .
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - July 2018 [262K] August 13, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [333K] August 6, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2016-17 revenue, and estimated FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 amounts. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2018 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC).
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2018-19 [2.25K], July 30, 2018. This FY 2018-19 Appropriations Summary and Analysis summarizes the enacted FY 2018-19 state budget.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2018-19 [904K], July 30, 2018. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2018-19 appropriation acts.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - June 2018 [110K] July 11, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - May 2018 [109K] June 13, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- County Revenue Sharing and County Incentive Program (CIP) Payments FY 2017 thru FY 2019 [95K], June 13, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2016-17 payments, updated FY 2017-18 payments, and estimated FY 2018-19 payments per SB 848 (S-1) CR-1.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [1.1Mb], June 13, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2016-17 revenue sharing payments, updated FY 2017-18 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments, and estimated FY 2018-19 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments per SB 848 (S-1) CR-1.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [153K], May 17, 2018. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2018 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed and updated at the January 2019 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [91K], May 16, 2018. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019 and 2020.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2017-18 Through FY 2019-20 [164K], May 14, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2017 through CY 2020. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2016-17, revised revenue estimates for FY 2017-18 through FY 2019-20. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 16, 2018, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- PPT Redistribution Tables [1MB] May 7, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report shows the detailed tax year 2017 Personal Property Tax payments for any funding remaining after all eligible municipalities have been reimbursed for 100% of their qualified losses as they were actually distributed under current law compared to what the distributions would have been under the Administration proposal and House Bill 5908.
- MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies [740K] May 1, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - March 2018 [159K] April 10, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Broadband Internet Memorandum [466K] April 4, 2018. Prepared by Michael Cnossen, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides background on broadband internet technology; federal, state, and local initiatives; and Michigan’s status and outlook as they relate to investing in broadband deployment.
- Fiscal Focus: Brownfield Redevelopment Financing: Tax Increment Legislation and Use [138K] March 22, 2018. Prepared by Patrick Morris, Legislative Analyst. The report provides a background on tax increment financing and environmental remediation policy, identifies and discusses important statutory changes to the act, describes the brownfield program’s use in Michigan, and highlights the legislative debate surrounding the most recent revision to the act, the Transformational Brownfield Plan amendments.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - February 2018 [110K] March 15, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- A Comparison of the Distribution of Tier 3 Personal Property Tax Reimbursements Under Current Law and the Administration's Proposal [354K], February 28, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memorandum provides a comparison using 2017 tax year payments of the distribution of Tier 3 PPT payments under current law with the Administration’s proposal. Detailed comparisons for individual community colleges, counties, cities villages, and townships are included.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2018-19 Executive Budget Recommendation [118K], February 2018. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- County Revenue Sharing and County Incentive Program (CIP) Payments [91K] February 16, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2016-17 payments, updated FY 2017-18 payments and proposed FY 2018-19 payments per the Executive Recommendation.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [1Mb] February 16, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2016-17 revenue sharing payments, updated FY 2017-18 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments, and estimate FY 2018-19 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments per the Executive Recommendation.
- FY 2018-19 Executive Budget Overview Presentation [110K] February 14, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - January 2018 [110K] February 12, 2018. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2018-19 Executive Budget Recommendation [374K], February 9, 2018. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2018-19.
- Fiscal Focus - Transport Permits and the Regulation of Vehicle Size, Weight, and Load [854K], February 6, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Focus describes Michigan Vehicle Code provisions governing vehicle size, weight, and load, including provisions authorizing transport permits for the movement of oversize and overweight vehicles. The publication also describes enforcement programs related to Michigan Vehicle Code size, weight, and load regulations.
- Clean Michigan Initative Memorandum [135K], February 5, 2018. This memorandum provides background and financial information concerning the Clean Michigan Initiative which is partly administered by the Department of Environmental Quality. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst.
- Invasive Species Memorandum [135K], February 5, 2018. This memorandum provides background and financial information concerning the Clean Michigan Initiative which is partly administered by the Department of Environmental Quality. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst.
- Invasive Species Memorandum [581K], February 5, 2018. This memorandum gives information on Invasive species such as plants, animals, or insects that are not native to Michigan and pose a threat to agriculture, natural resources or the environment when introduced in the state. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2012-13 to 2016-17 [518K], January 31, 2018. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2012-13 to 2016-17. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Traffic Citation Revenue Memorandum [447K], Traffic Citation Revenue Memorandum, January 19, 2018. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the Traffic Citation Revenue.
- Civil Filing Fee Fund Memorandum [225K], Civil Filing Fee Memorandum, January 19, 2018. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the Civil Filing Fee.
- Justice System Fund Overview Memorandum [244K], Justice System Fund Oveview Memorandum, January 19, 2018. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the Justice System Fund.
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview Presentation [28.5K], January 17, 2018. Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview presentation to the House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 by Mary Ann Cleary, Director.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [149K], January 12, 2018. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2018 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2018 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [66K], January 11, 2018. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019 and 2020.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2017-18 Through FY 2019-20 [164K], January 9, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2017 through CY 2020. It also presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2016-17, revised revenue estimates for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19, and initial estimates for FY 2019-20. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 11, 2018, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 [93K], January 5, 2018. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memorandum provides a brief explanation on a number of the more significant changes contained in the Federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - October 2017 [110K] November 15, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - September 2017 [110K] October 12, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2017-18 [296K]. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2017. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2017-18 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- Four-Year Degree Offerings at Michigan Community Colleges [212K], October 9, 2017. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives detailed information on the four year degrees offered at Community Colleges in Michigan.
- Public University Peformance Funding Memorandum - FY 2017-18 [212K], October 6, 2017. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives detailed information on the Public University Performance Funding for FY 2017-18.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [607K] September 28, 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2015-16 and estimated FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2017 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - August 2017 [142K] September 19, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2017-18 [2.23K], August 2017. This FY 2017-18 Appropriations Summary and Analysis summarizes the enacted FY 2017-18 state budget.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - July 2017 [137K] August 11, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2017-18 [842K], August, 2017. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2017-18 appropriation acts.
- State Impact of the Federal Better Care Reconciliation Act [251K], July 25, 2017. Prepared by Kevin Koostra, Associate Director. This memorandum provides detailed information on the state impact of the federal Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA).
- Executive Vetoes for House Bill 4323, Article X, DHHS FY 2017-18 Appropriations Bill [201K], July 18, 2017. Prepared by Susan Frey and Viola Wild, Senior Fiscal Analysts and Kevin Koostra, Associate Director. This memorandum provides information on the Executive Vetoes on House Bill 4323, Article X for Department of Health and Human Services.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - June 2017 [137K] July 13, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Focus - Horse Racing in Michigan - A Primer [708K] June 26, 2017. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This publication offers a brief history of horse racing and legal gambling in Michigan; describes the statutory framework for horse racing in Michigan under the Horse Racing Act of 1995, including a description of how the act directs the distribution of money wagered on horse racing among horse racing participants; and describes state funding used in support of horse racing programs, including current wagering tax revenue and state appropriations.
- County Revenue Sharing and County Incentive Program (CIP) Payments [91K] June 20, 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2015-16 payments, updated FY 2016-17 payments and estimated FY 2017-18 payments per HB 4323(H-1) CR-1.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [1Mb] June 20, 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This document provides final FY 2015-16 revenue sharing payments, updated FY 2016-17 Constitutional and CVT revenue sharing payments, and estimated FY 2017-18 Constitutional, CVT revenue sharing, and Supplemental CVT payments per HB 4323 (H-1) CR-1.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - May 2017 [142K] June 9, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [146K], May 18, 2017. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2017 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2018 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [56K], May 17, 2017. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2016-17 Through FY 2018-19 [180K], May 15, 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2016 through CY 2019. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2015-16, revised estimates for FY 2016-17 and FY 2018-19. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 17, 2017, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - March 2017 [140K] April 18, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Community Colleges Performance Indicators Formula Memorandum [281K] April 13, 2017. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum summarizes performance indicators distribution formual used for the allocation of increased operations funding to community colleges as set out by the Performance Indicators Task Force in January 2016.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [281K] March 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2015-16 and estimated FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the January 2017 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - February 2017 [117K] March 15, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- School Aid: Proposal A Overview [159K], March 2017. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Deputy Director. This powerpoint presentation gives detailed information on the School Aid: Proposal A.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2011-12 to 2015-16 [539K], March 14, 2017. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2011-12 to 2015-16. Prepared by Perry Zielak, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Impact of the November 2015 Road Funding Package [606K], March 7, 2017. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the impact of the Road Funding Package from 2015.
- Brief History of Indian Tuition Waivers for Michigan Universities Memorandum [87K], March 6, 2017. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This memo gives detailed information on the North American Indian Tuition Waiver Program.
- Capital Outlay Projects Memorandum - FY 2017-18 [233K], March 3, 2017. This memo summarizes the capital outlay projects included in the FY 2017-18 Executive Recommendation.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2017-18 Executive Budget Recommendation [930K], February 2017. In this publication, the Budget Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- FY 2017-18 Executive Budget Overview [217K], February 15, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2017-18 Executive Budget, as presented to the House Appropriations Committee.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2017-18 Executive Budget Recommendation [374K], February 14, 2017. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2017-18.
- Flint Drinking Water Emergency Appropriations - Updated [139K], February 7, 2017. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This memorandum gives updated detailed information on the Flint Water Emergency Appropriations
- Michigan National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund Memorandum [87K], January 20, 2017. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Michigan National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund.
- Chargeable Transient Quarters Program and Billeting Fund [106K], January 20, 2017. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Chargeable Transient Quarters Program and Billeting Fund.
- Fiscal Focus: Michigan Veterans' Facilities [616K], January 19, 2017. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of Michigan's existing veterans' homes, Michigan's veteran population, and the changes brought to the Michigan Veteran Health System under 2016 PA 560.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [143K], January 13, 2017. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 2017 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the May 2017 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [89K], January 12, 2017. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2016-17 Through FY 2018-19 [166K], January 10, 2017. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2016 through CY 2019. It also presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2015-16, revised estimates for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18, and initial estimates for FY 2018-19. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 12, 2017, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - October 2016 [117K] November 8, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Michigan National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund Memorandum [87K], November 1, 2016. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Michigan National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund.
- Chargeable Transient Quarters Program and Billeting Fund [107K], October 31, 2016. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Chargeable Transient Quarters Program and Billeting Fund.
- Legislative Analysis: Medical Marihuana Facilities Act and Marihuana Tracking Act [484K], October 31, 2016. Prepared by Marcus Coffin, Michael Cnossen, Robin Risko, Fiscal Analysts and Susan Stutzky, Legislative Analyst. This Legislative Analysis gives information on the Medical Marihuana Facilities Act and Marihuana Tracking Act covering House Bills 4209, 4210, 4287.
- Traffic Citation Revenue Memorandum [382K], October 27, 2016. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum outlines the distribution of funds from traffic citations issued in Michigan.
- Justice System Fund Overview Memoradum [239K], October 27, 2016. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Justice System Fund (JSF) created by Public Act 97 of 2003, MCL 600.181, to simplify the assessment, collection, and distribution of monetary obligations imposed in criminial cases.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2016-17 [707K]. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2016. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2016-17 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - September 2016 [113K] October 12, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS) [145K], October 2016. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This document gives information on the Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System (MPSERS).
- Civil Filing Fee Fund Memorandum [236K], October 12, 2016. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Civil Filing Fee Fund that was created by Public Act 138 of 2003 (MCL 600.171) to consolidate a variety of previously assessed fees and their respective funds in one location. Revenue is derived from civil filing fees designated by law for deposit into the fund.
- Line Item Summaries - FY 2016-17 [html] October 7, 2016. These line item summaries contain line-by-line appropriation and revenue source detail, and a brief explanation of each boilerplate section in the appropriation bill.
- DEQ Waste and Operator Training Fee Sunsets [90K], October 5, 2016. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides background information and the potential budgetary impact for five fees which support the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) budget and are set to expire for FY 2017-18.
- Public University Performance Funding - FY 2016-17 [115K], September 29, 2016. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Public University Performance Funding increases for the state's 15 public universities within the FY 2016-17 Higher Education budget.
- Legal Services Funds Memo [221K], September 29, 2016. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides information related to the Legal Service fund within the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) and Lawsuit Settlement Proceeds fund within the Attorney General's budget related to the Flint declaration of emergency.
- Budget Poster - FY 2017 [352K], September 16, 2016. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. A diagram of the major components of Michigan's tax system and state budget. The 11 x17 poster displays how state taxes and other revenues flow through major state funds and into the state budget.
- Healthy Michigan Plan Saving and Cost Estimates [96K], September 14, 2016. Prepared by Kevin Koorsta, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memorandum provides an update on GF/GP cost and saving estimates for the Healthy Michigan Plan.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update -August 2016 [114K] September 9, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- State Budget Overview Background Briefing [354K] August 30, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This briefing includes information on the long-term economic, revenue, and budget trends; major FY 2016-17 budget changes; and the budget outlook for future budget years.
- Budget Background Briefings for FY 2016-17 [html] August 30, 2016. These briefings provide an overview of appropriations, sources of funding, state spending and major budget topics for each department or budget area.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update - July 2016 [114K] August 9, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [281K] July 2016. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2014-15 and estimated FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2016 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2016-17 enacted budget.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2016-17 [1.04K], July 2016. This FY 2016-17 Appropriations Summary and Analysis summarizes the enacted FY 2016-17 state budget.
- Tobacco Settlement Funds [214K], July 26, 2016. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memorandum provides an update on tobacco settlement revenue received by the State of Michigan and the expenditures made from that revenue.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2016-17 [394K], July 2016. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2016-17 appropriation acts.
- HFA Monthly Revenue Update [114K] July 19, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Flint Drinking Water Emergency Appropriations - Updated and Revised [148K], July 14, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Paul Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives detailed information on the Flint Water Emergency Appropriations
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [145K], May 17, 2016. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2016 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2017 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [70K], May 17, 2016 . Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2015-16 Through FY 2017-18 [176K], May 13, 2016. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2015 through CY 2018. It also presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2014-15, and revised estimates for FY 2015-16 through FY 2017-18. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 17, 2016, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Flint Water Emergency Appropriations Memo (Revised) [123K], April 29, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Paul Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives detailed information on the Flint Water Emergency Appropriations
- Fiscal Focus: Strength and Composition of State and Local Law Enforcement Officers [100K], April 20, 2016. Prepared by Paul B.A. Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This publication presents an overview and analysis of the counts and composition of law enforcement officers employed within the State of Michigan and among the Great Lakes States.
- Economic and Revenue Update [160K] March 17, 2016. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2016-17 Executive Budget Recommendation [963K], March, 2016. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Detroit Public Schools Historical Budget Trends Presentation [246K], February 24, 2016. Prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This presentation gives detailed information on the historical budget trends for the Detroit Public Schools.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2016-17 Executive Budget Recommendation [374K], February 16, 2015. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2016-17.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2010-11 to 2014-15 [453K], February 12, 2016. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2010-11 to 2014-15. Prepared by Marilyn B. Peterson, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- Detroit Public Schools Funding Program [157K], February 11, 2016. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memo provides a brief overview of the funding plan for Detroit Public Schools under the Executive Recommendation.
- MCOLES Training Funds [92K], February 5, 2016. Prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst and Paul Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum is an overview of MCOLES Training Funds.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [143K], January 15, 2016. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 14, 2016 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2016 conference.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2015-16 Through FY 2017-18 [164K], January 12, 2016. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2015 through CY 2018. It also presents preliminary final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2014-15, and revised estimates for FY 2015-16 through FY 2016-17, and initial estimates for FY 2017-18. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 14, 2016, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- Depletion of the Autism Coverage Fund [171K], Prepared by Paul Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst, December 15, 2015. This memo provides a brief explanation of the Autism Coverage Reimbursement Program (ACRP) and the Autism Coverage Fund (ACF), a description of the appropriations to and from the ACF, and an accounting of the number of claims submitted by carriers and amounts of reimbursements paid from the ACF.
- Historical Analysis of the Corporation Fees Fund [219K], Prepared by Paul Holland, Senior Fiscal Analyst, December 15, 2015. This memo provides a brief description of the relevant functions of the department and an overview of the revenues for, expenditures from, and balances of the Fund.
- Legislative Analysis: Enacted Road Funding Package Summary [185K] November 16, 2015. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a summary of the following bills in the road funding package passed by the House and Senate and enacted into law. The bills are House Bills: 4370, 4614, 4616, 4736, 4737, 4738 and Senate Bill 414.
- Legislative Analysis: Senate-Passed Road Funding Package [175K] November 3, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a summary of the road funding package passed by the Senate.
- Fiscal Forum: Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement [248K] October 30, 2015. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Forum gives information on the Department of Natural Resources that is charged with the task of protecting, conserving, and managing Michigan's natural and cultural resources.
- Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2015-16 [452K]. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2015. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2015-16 Higher Education budget were calculated.
- National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund [139K], October 27, 2015 prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides a summary on the National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund created by Public Act 259 of 2014. The Tuition Assistance Fund can be used by Michigan Army National Guard and Michigan Air National Guard service members to help defray costs while attending college.
- Pure Michigan Tourism Marketing Campaign [141K] October 29, 2015. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo provides background on the history of Michigan travel and tourism marketing efforts under the Pure Michigan campaign.
- Detroit Public Schools Budget Trends [187K], October 25, 2015 prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memorandum provides a summary of Detroit Public Schools' (DPS) current fiscal situation, a summary of historical trends in the district's budget, as well as a brief history of the changes in the district's budget authority and governance.
- Legislative Analysis: House Road Package - Preliminary Analysis [169K], October 21, 2015 prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, William Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a preliminary analysis of the following bills that make up the House Road Package: House Bills 4370,4614,4616,4736,4737,4738, and Senate Bill 414.
- Fiscal Focus: Michigan's Medicaid Program [728K], October 19, 2015 prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Kevin Koorstra, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This report provides introductory information on the traditional Medicaid program and its financing, describes Healthy Michigan Plan waiver requirements and financing, presents information on trends in total Medicaid expenditures, and discusses the FY 2016-17 budget outlook for the Medicaid program.
- Justice System Fund Overview [111K], September 28, 2015. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum discusses the Justice System Fund (JSF) that was created by Public Act 97 of 2003 (MCL 600.181) to simplify the assessment, collection, and distribution of monetary obligations imposed in criminal cases.
- Traffic Citation Revenue [271K], September 28, 2015. Prepared by Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum outlines the distribution of funds from traffic citations in Michigan.
- FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding Memo [161K], September 22, 2015. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding.
- Economic and Revenue Report [173K] September 11, 2015. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director and Jim Stansell, Senior Economist.
- Fiscal Forum: Information Techonology Investment Fund Projects [257K] September 10, 2015. Prepared by Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Forum gives information on the Information Techonology Investment Fund Projects for the Department of Technology, Mangagement, and Budget.
- Community Ventures Program [139K] August 15, 2015. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides background information on the Community Ventures (CV) Program included in the Michigan Strategic Fund, which is now included within the Department of Talent and Economic Development.
- Revenue State Source and Distribution [556K] July 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report provides information on the source and distribution of revenue for the State of Michigan, and includes final FY 2013-14 and estimated FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 revenue. Estimates in this report are based on revenue amounts agreed to at the May 2015 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and revenue detail in the FY 2015-16 enacted budget.
- Reports Required by Boilerplate FY 2015-16 [379K], July 2015. This publication lists reports required by boilerplate in FY 2015-16 appropriation acts.
- Changes in State Appropriations [214K], July 7, 2015. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memorandum provides information on changes in state appropriation amounts over the last decade.
- Appropriations: Summary and Analysis, FY 2015-16 [1.10K], July 2015.
- Fiscal Summary of House Road Package, [146K], June 8, 2015. This memorandum provides summary information on the estimated fiscal impacts of the bills included in the House road package: House Bills 4605 through 4616, as reported by the House Committee on Roads and Economic Development.
- Revenue Sharing Payments to Cities, Villages, and Townships [100K], June 3, 2015. This document provides final FY 2013-14 combined payments, enacted FY 2014-15 Constitutional and CVT Revenue Sharing payments, and estimated FY 2015-16 Constitutional and CVT Revenue Sharing payments to cities, villages, and townships based on the May 2015 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference and Senate Bill 133(S-1) CR-1.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [50K], May 18, 2015. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the May 2015 conference. These consensus estimates will be reviewed or updated at the January 2016 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [47K], May 15, 2015 . Economic and Revenue Forecasts for Fiscal Years 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2014-15 Through FY 2016-17 [174K], May 13, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and state economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2014 through CY 2017. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2013-14 and revised estimates for FY 2014-15 through FY 2016-17. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on May 15, 2015, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.
- State Services Fee Fund (Updated) [140K], prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst, May 12, 2015. This memo provides information on the State Services Fee Fund (SSFF), its sources of revenue, the annual appropriations from the fund, and issues with the recent divergence in revenues and appropriations.
- Air Quality Fee Increase Memo - House Bill 4449 [38K], May 12, 2015. Prepared by Austin Scott, Fiscal Analyst. This is memo discusses House Bill 4449 on the Air Quality Fee increase.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2015: Transportation Funding Package [151K], April 7, 2015. Prepared by Chris Couch, Associate Director, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, Adam Derosiers, Economist, William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director This is a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 1, the Transportation Funding Package.
- Fiscal Focus: State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service. [528K], March, 2015. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program, as well as the recent history of bonds issued by the department and related debt service.
- Fiscal Forum: Refined Petroleum Fund [686K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst, March 31, 2015. This Fiscal Forum discusses Refined Petroleum Fund.
- Review and Analysis: FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 Executive Budget Recommendation [201K], February, 2015. In this publication, the Director's Overview provides information on revenue sources and appropriations proposed in the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17. It also provides summary charts and tables of appropriations and fund sources in the proposed budget.
- Health Insurance Claims Assessment Memorandum [126K], February 24, 2015. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director and Kevin Koorstra, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides background information on Medicaid financing and the Health Insurance Claims Assessment (HICA).
- Executive Order 2015-4 Memorandum [154K], February 24, 2015. Prepared by Susan Frey, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, Kevin Koorstra, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Viola Bay Wild, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides a description of the EO, historical information the two current departments, basic information regarding the size of the proposed department, and context regarding departmental organization in other states.
- Departmental Economic Adjustments and Retirement Legacy Costs [154K], February 20, 2015. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memorandum provides information on departmental economic adjustments and retirement legacy costs in the FY 2015-16 Executive Budget Recommendation.
- FY 2015-16 Executive Budget Overview [164K], February 18, 2015. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the FY 2015-16 Executive Budget, as presented to the House Appropriations Committee on February 18, 2015.
- Public University Summary Data, Fiscal Years 2009-10 to 2013-14 [1.75K], February 18, 2015. This report covers the Public University Summary Data known as HEIDI for Fiscal Years 2009-2010 to 2013-14. Prepared by Marilyn B. Peterson, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Senate Fiscal Agency.
- FY 2014-15 Supplemental School Aid Appropriations Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4110 (H-1), As Amended February 18, 2015.
- Preliminary Review of the FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 Executive Budget Recommendation [1.2K], February 17, 2015. This preliminary review provides a quick look at the Executive Budget Recommendation for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17.
- FY 2014-15 Budget Shortfall Resolution - Prior Year Work Project Lapses Memo [117K], February 11, 2015. Prepared by Ben Gielczyk, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Robin Risko, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo is on the FY 2014-15 Budget Shortfall Resolution, Prior-Year Work Project Lapses.
- Legislative Analysis: Transportation Funding Package, House Bills: House Joint Resolution UU, House Bills: 4539, 5167, 5477, 5492, 5493, 5460, 4251, 4630 and Senate Bills 80 and 847 [240K], February 11, 2015. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, Adam Derosiers, Economist. This Legislative Analysis gives detailed information on the Transportation Funding Package.
- Executive Order 2015-5 Summary [137K], February 11, 2015. This summary is on the Executive Order 2015-5, FY 2014-15 Budget Reductions.
- Michigan Economic Growth Authority Tax Credit Information [230K], February 5, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memo provides detailed information on the Michigan Economic Growth (MEGA) Tax Credit Information.
- Business Tax Burdens by State [230K], February 5, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This memo provides detailed information on the Business Tax Burdens by State.
- Restricted Fund Report [455K], February 5, 2015. The attached document has been produced by HFA as a resource for appropriations members during the upcoming budget process. It provides key information on all restricted fund appropriations in the FY 2014-15 state budget, including the legal basis for the fund, whether the fund is statutory or consitutional, the type of restriction applied to fund revenue, and whether the fund is used for federal match/MOE purposes. Funds are listed in descending order of appropriation amount within each area of the state budget.
- Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference Overview [264K], January 28, 2015. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary, Director. This presentation is an overview of the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
- Venture Michigan Fund [43K], January 21, 2015. This memorandum provides background information on the Venture Michigan Fund program.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Final Summary [154K], January 20, 2015. This memo provides a summation of the agreements reached at the January 16, 2015 conference. The consensus estimates will be revised or updated at the May 2015 conference.
- Consensus Revenue Agreement, Executive Summary [47K], January 16, 2015. Economic and Revenue Forecasts for fiscal years 2015, 2016 and 2017.
- Economic Outlook and Revenue Estimates for Michigan FY 2014-15 Through FY 2016-17 [270K], January 14, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist. This report includes a national and State economic forecast for calendar year (CY) 2014 through CY 2017. It also presents final General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) and School Aid Fund (SAF) revenue for fiscal year FY 2013-14 and revised estimates for FY 2014-15 through FY 2015-16, and initial estimates for FY 2016-17. Estimates reported herein will be presented to the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on January 16, 2015, and will be used to facilitate the consensus estimating process.