Department of Education
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Questions on the following documents should be directed to Noel Benson Fiscal Analyst for the Education budget.
Key Documents and Links
FY 2025-26 Appropriation Bill Summaries
Special Reports
- Fiscal Brief: ARP Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the ARP Act.
- Fiscal Brief: CRRSA Act Education-Related Allocations March 1, 2023. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Perry Zielak and Noel Benson. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CRRSA Act.
- Legislative Snapshot: Revised School Code January 2023
- Fiscal Brief: CARES Act Education-Related Allocations November 25, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Perry Zielak, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the education-related allocations for Michigan from funds established under the CARES Act.
- Fiscal Brief: K-12 Education During COVID-19: Return to Learn and Funding Provisions November 20, 2020. Prepared by Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analyst, Jenny McInerney, Senior Legislative Analyst, and Samuel Christensen, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the Return to Learn package and additional appropriations intended to address K-12 schooling needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Fiscal Brief: Child Development and Care (CDC) Program [561K] August 23, 2019. Prepared by Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication provides an overview of the Michigan Child Development and Care (CDC) program that is administered by Michigan Department of Education (MDE). The CDC program providers child care subsidies for eligible families, oversight of all state child care licensing, and funding to improve the health, safety, and quality of child care opportunities.
- Fiscal Brief: State Aid to Public Libraries [470K] November 2, 2018. Prepared by Samuel Christensen, Fiscal Analyst. This publication details the State Aid to Public Libraries grants and public libraries’ operating income and expenditures.
- Child Development and Care Program, [115K] February 21, 2012, Prepared by Mark Wolf, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides an overview of the Child Development and Care (CDC) program, which is now administered by the Department of Education (MDE) following the establishment of Great Start by Executive Order 2011-8.