Higher Education Archives

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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.

Questions on the following documents should be directed to Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst for the Higher Education budget.


Budget Briefings


Line Item Summaries


Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2024-25 Appropriations Bill Summaries

FY 2023-24 Appropriations Bill Summaries

FY 2022-23 Appropriations Bill Summaries

FY 2021-22 Appropriations Bill Summaries

FY 2020-21

FY 2019-20

FY 2018-19

FY 2017-18

FY 2016-17

FY 2015-16

FY 2014-15

FY 2013-14

FY 2012-13

FY 2011-12

FY 2010-11


Subcommittee Testimony Archives


Special Reports


  • FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding Memo [161K], September 22, 2015. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum gives information on the FY 2015-16 Public University Performance Funding.
  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2015-16 [452K]. Prepared by Marilyn Peterson, Senior Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Agency and Bill Bowerman, Associate Director, Senate Fiscal Agency, October 2015. This report provides a precise record of how appropriation amounts in the FY 2015-16 Higher Education budget were calculated.


  • FY 2014-15 University Tuition Restraint Compliance [129K], August 28, 2014. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo discusses the FY 2014-15 University Tuition Restraint Compliance.
  • University Performance Funding Formula [150K], July 21, 2014. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo gives information on the University Performance Funding Formula.
  • Tuition Grant Program [34K], Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, March 19, 2014. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Grant Program established by Public Act 313 of 1966.


  • Fiscal Focus: State Appropriations, Tuition, and Public University Operating Costs [446K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, December 2, 2013. This report examines the combined effect of state funding reductions and tuition increases on overall university operating resources over the last decade and a half and discusses major factors related to university operating costs.
  • FY 2013-14 University Tuition Restraint Compliance [143K], September 11, 2013. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This memo discusses the FY 2013-14 University Tuition Restraint Compliance.
  • Tuition Incentive Program [117K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director, February 21, 2013. This memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education provides background information on the Tuition Incentive Program, as well as details on the proposed policy changes to the program under the FY 2013-14 Executive Budget Recommendation for Higher Education.





  • Implementation of FY 2009-10 Financial Aid Appropriations, [250K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, December 21, 2009. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.
  • Merit Award Trust Fund [67K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 6, 2009. This memo provides updated information on Merit Award Trust Fund revenues and appropriations for fiscal years (FYs) 2008-09 and 2009-10.
  • Michigan Promise Grant Program [61K], July 2, 2009 (revised for Senate passage). Prepared by Kyle I. Jen. This memo provides background information on the Promise Grant Program, as well as information on projected program costs.
  • State University Summary Data FY 2003-04 to FY 2007-08 [220K], March 17, 2009. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries. Headcount and fiscal year-equated student history, higher education tuition history, state and financial aid history, etc.




  • Fiscal Focus: State University Appropriations [326K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, November 2006. This report includes an overview of current state university appropriations, a discussion of funding earmarks, a review of historical funding methods, and an analysis of appropriation and enrollment trends over the last two decades.
  • Degree Completions at State Universities [395K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2006. Fiscal Forum on the number of degrees students earned at Michigan's 15 state universities.
  • State University Funding Model, FY 2006-07 [244K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2, 2006. This memo provides a technical explanation of the funding model used to determine FY 2006-07 state university operations funding amounts under House Bill 5871 (H-1) Draft A—the House subcommittee substitute for the FY 2006-07 Higher Education budget.
  • State University Graduation Rates [233K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, April 11, 2006. This memo provides data on current and historical graduation rates at state universities in Michigan, identifies factors influencing graduation rates, provides comparisons with graduation rates at similar institutions, discusses limitations associated with graduation rates, and provides an alternate degree completion measure.
  • State University Profile Sheets FY 2006-07 [236K], February 15, 2006. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries. Headcount and fiscal year-equated student history, higher education tuition history, state and financial aid history, etc.
  • Book Closing EO 2005-7 Restoration [171K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, January 10, 2006. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.


  • Higher Education Appropriations Report, Fiscal Year 2005-06 [220K]. Prepared by Ellen Jeffries and Kyle I. Jen, December 2005.
  • State University Funding Model [542K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, Updated September 27, 2005 to reflect the Conference-passed version of the budget. This memo provides a technical explanation of the funding model for determining state university operations funding amounts. Printing tip: To ensure faster printing of this document, click on the "Advanced" button in the Adobe Acrobat print window and then click on the "Print as image" box.
  • Partial Restoration of EO 2005-7 Reductions [25K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2005. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittees on Community Colleges and Higher Education.
  • State University Profile Sheets FY 2005-06 [226K], April 21, 2005. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Ellen Jeffries. Headcount and fiscal year-equated student history, higher education tuition history, state and financial aid history, etc.