Military and Veterans Affairs Archives

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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.

Questions on the following documents should be directed to Aaron Meek, Fiscal Analyst for the Military and Veterans Affairs budget.


Budget Briefings


Line Item Summaries


Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2024-25 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2023-24 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2022-23 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2021-22

FY 2020-21

FY 2019-20

FY 2018-19

FY 2017-18

FY 2016-17

FY 2015-16

FY 2014-15

FY 2013-14

FY 2012-13

FY 2011-12

FY 2010-11


Special Reports


  • National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund [139K], October 27, 2015 prepared by Kent Dell, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides a summary on the National Guard Tuition Assistance Program and Tuition Assistance Fund created by Public Act 259 of 2014. The Tuition Assistance Fund can be used by Michigan Army National Guard and Michigan Air National Guard service members to help defray costs while attending college.
