Community Colleges Archives
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Questions on the following documents should be directed to Perry Zielak, Fiscal Analyst for the Community Colleges budget.
Budget Briefings
- FY 2023-24 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2022-23 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2021-22 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2020-21 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2019-20 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2018-19 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2017-18 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2016-17 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2015-16 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2014-15 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2013-14 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2012-13 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2011-12 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2010-11 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
- FY 2009-10 Community Colleges Budget Briefing
Line Items Summaries
- Line Item Summary, FY 2023-24 [275K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2022-23 [382K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2021-22 [382K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2020-21 [341K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2019-20 [387K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2018-19 [279K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2017-18 [294K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2016-17 [1887K], prepared by Perry Zielak
- Line Item Summary, FY 2015-16 [207K], prepared by Marilyn Peterson
- Line Item Summary, FY 2014-15 [334K], prepared by Marilyn Peterson
- Line Item Summary, FY 2013-14 [104K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen and Marilyn Peterson.
- Line Item Summary FY 2012-13 [99K], prepared by Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2011-12 [95K], prepared by Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2010-11 [93K], prepared by Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2009-10 [605K], prepared by Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2008-09 [536K], prepared by Benjamin Geilczyk and Kyle I. Jen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2007-08 [544K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2006-07 [76K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild.
- Line Item Summary FY 2005-06 [124K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild and Kyle I. Jen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2004-05 [145K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2003-04 [209K], prepared by Kyle I. Jen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2002-03 [324K], prepared by Caven West.
Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries
FY 2024-25 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Line Item Decision Document
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Community Colleges Budget Bill, HB 5504(H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by the House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 2, HB 5507 (H-1) CR-1
FY 2023-24 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by Subcommittee
- Community Colleges Budget Bill, House Bill 4303
- Line Item Decision Document
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Conference Report
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 2, Senate Bill 173 (S-3)
- Summary: As Enacted, PA 103 of 2003, Senate Bill 173 (Article 2)
FY 2022-23 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Community Colleges Budget Bill, House Bill 5779 (H-2)
- Community Colleges Line Item Decision Document
- Community Colleges Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Community Colleges Budget Bill: As Reported by House Appropriations, House Bill 5779(H-3)
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 2, Senate Bill 845(S-1) CR-1
- SB 845 Education Omnibus Conference Bill
FY 2021-22 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation
- Community Colleges Budget Bill, House Bill 4401(H-1)
- Summary: Reported by House Subcommittee
- Line Item Decision Document - House Subcommittee
- Boilerplate Decision Document - House Subcommittee
- Summary: House Committee Substitute
- Community Colleges Budget Bill, House Bill 4401(H-2)
- Summary: As Passed by House Appropriations Committee, House Bill 4401 (H-4)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4401 (H-4) as Amended
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 94(S-1), as Amended
- Line Item Decision Document - Passed House and Senate
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Passed House and Senate
- HB 4400 (H-2) Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- Community Colleges Line Item Decision Document Conference Report
- Community Colleges Boilerplate Decision Document Conference Report
FY 2020-21
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Executive Recommendation
- Summary: Conference Report
- Line Item Decision Document - Conference Report
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Conference Report
- Summary: Enacted PA 165 of 2020 (SB 927, Article 2)
FY 2019-20
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee
- Line Comparison - Appropriations
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee, HB 4230(H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee, HB 4230(H-1)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, HB 4230(H-1)
- Line Comparisons, House and Senate Passed
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 134(S-1)
- Summary: Conference Report, Senate Bill 134 (S-1) CR-1
- Boilerplate Conference Report
- Summary: Enacted with Vetoes and Ad Board Transfers, Senate Bill 134, Public Act 52 of 2019
FY 2018-19
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Committee, Article II,
House Bill 5579(H-1) as Amended - Summary: As Passed by the House, Article II, House Bill 5579 (H-1)
as Amended - Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 851(S-1)
- Community Colleges Line Comparison - As Passed by the House and Senate
- Conference Report Summary: Senate Bill 851(S-1) CR-1
- Conference Report - Line by Line Comparison
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- HB 5579(H-1) CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
FY 2017-18
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee
- House and Senate Sub Line Comparisons
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations
- Line by Line Appropriations: As Reported by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees
- Summary: As Passed by the House, Article II, House Bill 4313 (H-1)
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, SB 134(S-1)
- House and Senate Line by Line Appropriations: As Passed by the House and Senate
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Conference
- HB 4313 (H-1)CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
FY 2016-17
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary - SB 784
FY 2015-16
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary
FY 2014-15
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Senate Bill 762 - Conference Report Summary
- HB 5314(H-2) CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
FY 2013-14
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Education Omnibus Budget Conference Report Summary, HB 4228 (H-1) CR-1
FY 2012-13
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- House Bill 5369: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: SB 949 - As Passed by the Senate
- SB 949 Conference Report Summary
FY 2011-12
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: HB 4325(H-1) As Reported from House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: HB 4325(H-1) As Passed by the House
- Conference Report Summary: HB 4325
FY 2010-11
- SB 1151
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Passed the Senate
- Summary: Reported from House Subcommittee
- Boilerplate Report: Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: Reported from House Committee
- Summary: As Passed the House
- SB 1151 Conference Summary
Special Reports
- Fiscal Forum: Community College Funding [591K], prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst, March 2013. This Fiscal Forum discusses the Community College Funding.
- Performance Indicators Formula [56K] July 16, 2012, Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum provides summarizes the distribution formula set out by the Performance Indicators Task Force in a 2006 report and used in some subsequent budget years, including the FY 2012-13 Community Colleges budget (Article II, PA 201 of 2012).
- The Effect of Personal Property Tax Elimination on Community Colleges [83K], September 28, 2011. Prepared by Erik Jonasson, Fiscal Analyst. This memo focuses specifically on how this change would affect community college budgets in Michigan.
- Conference Report Summary: HB 4325 Education Omnibus May 26, 2011.
- Partial Restoration of EO 2005-7 Reductions [25K]. Prepared by Kyle I. Jen, May 2005. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittees on Community Colleges and Higher Education.
- At-Risk Programs in Michigan's Community Colleges [37K], April 1998. Prepared by Kathryn Summers-Coty.
- Community College Funding Formula: A Look at its Components [282K], March 1998. Prepared by Kathryn Summers-Coty.