Transportation Archives
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Questions on the following documents should be directed to William E. Hamilton, Fiscal Analyst for the Transportation budget.
Budget Briefings
- FY 2023-24 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2022-23 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2021-22 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2020-21 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2019-20 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2018-19 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2017-18 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2016-17 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2015-16 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2014-15 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2013-14 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2012-13 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2011-12 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2010-11 Transportation Budget Briefing
- FY 2009-10 Transportation Budget Briefing
Line Item Summaries
- Line Item Summary FY 2023-24 [625K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2022-23 [634K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2021-22 [527K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2020-21 [527K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2019-20 [772K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2018-19 [745K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2017-18 [654K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2016-17 [654K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2015-16 [217K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2014-15 [217K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2013-14 [217K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2012-13 [168K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2011-12 [157K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2010-11 [164K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2009-10 [697K], prepared by William E. Hamilton
- Line Item Summary FY 2008-09 [625K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2007-08 [628K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2006-07 [153K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2005-06 [173K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2004-05 [192K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2003-04 [304K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- Line Item Summary FY 2002-03 [257K], prepared by William E. Hamilton.
Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries
FY 2024-25 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Line Item Decision Document
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- MDOT Budget Bill, HB 5517(H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 15, SB 747 (S-1) CR-1
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Line Item Decision Document
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Transportation Budget Bill, House Bill 4309
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Local Road Preservation Grants - Estimated GF/GP Distribution, As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 15, House Bill 4437 (H-1) CR-1
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Executive Budget Summary FY 2023 Changes by Program or Line Item
- Executive Budget Summary FY 2023 Impact of Changes to Revenue Estimates
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- MDOT Budget Bill, House Bill 5791
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 13 House Bill 5783 (H-2) CR-1
- Decision Document Enacted - Part 1 Line Item
- Decision Document Enacted - Part 2 Boilerplate
- Summary: As Enacted, HB 5783, Article 13, Public Act 166 of 2022
- Line Item Decision Document, As Enacted
- Boilerplate Decision Document,As Enacted
- General Omnibus Budget Bill, Senate Bill 82, as Enacted
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation, House Bill 4409
- Summary: Reported by House Subcommittee, House Bill 4409(H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee, House Bill 4409(H-1)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4409 (H-1)
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 92(S-4)
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: Conference Report
- Decision Document - Part 1 Appropriations
- Decision Document - Part 2 Boilerplate
- Summary: Enacted PA 166 of 2020 (HB 5396, Article 13)
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation, HB 4246 (H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee, HB 4246(H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4246(H-2)
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 149 (S-2)
- Summary: Conference Report, Senate Bill 149 (S-2) CR-1
- Decision Document - Part 1 Appropriations, (After Vetoes, State Administrative Board Transfers, Senate Bill 152 adjustments, and Legislative Transfers dated December 11, 2019)
- Decision Document - Part 2 Boilerplate
- Summary: Enacted with Vetoes and Ad Board Transfers, Senate Bill 149, Public Act 66 of 2019
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Decision Document - Part 1 Appropriations
- Decision Document - Part 2 Boilerplate
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by the House Appropriations Committee,
Article XVII, House Bill 5578(H-1) - Summary: As Passed by the House, Article XVII, House Bill 5578(H-1)
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 865(S-1) as Amended
- Conference Report Summary: House Bill 5572(H-1) CR-1
- SB 848(S-1) CR-1 General Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: Reported by House Subcommittee
- Line Item Decision Document
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Summary: As Passed by the House, HB 4323 Article XVII Summary
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, SB 148(S-1)
- Transportation, Article XVII, House Bill 4323(H-1) General Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Boilerplate Decision Document - Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Decision Document - Part 1 Appropriations, House Subcommittee
- Decision Document Boilerplate - House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed the House
- Boilerplate Decision Document
- Conference Report Summary
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Transportation FY 2014-15 Boilerplate
- Subcommittee Chair Recommendation Memo on HB 5308
- Transportation Boilerplate Decision Document - HB 5308
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed the House
- Senate Bill 777: Conference Report Summary
- HB 5313(H-1) CR-1 General Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Passed the Senate
- Transportation Boilerplate Decision Document
- General Omnibus Budget Conference Report Summary, HB 4328(H-1) CR-1
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Conference Report Summary: HB 5365, Article XVII
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: HB 4526 (H-1) As Reported from House Appropriations Committee
- HB 4526 (H-3) Summary - As Passed by the House
- Conference Report Summary: SB 185
- Conference Report Summary: HB 4526
- HB 5889
- Summary: As Passed the House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Passed the House Committee
- Summary: As Passed the House
- HB 5889: Conference Summary
- HB 5889: Enacted Summary
- Fiscal Brief: MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies [732K] November 9, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- FY 2018-19 Michigan Transportation Fund Revenues and Distributions Chart [657K] November 2, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This flowchart represents the distribution of the MTF revenue as guided by Section 10 of Public Act 51 of 1951, as amended by Public Act 246 of 2016.
- MTF Distribution Formula to Local Road Agencies [740K] May 1, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memorandum describes the factors that govern the distribution of Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) revenue to local road agencies (county road commissions and cities/villages).
- FY 2017-18 Michigan Transportation Fund Revenues and Distribution Chart [654K], February 22, 2018. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This flowchart represents the distribution of the MTF revenue as guided by Section 10 of Public Act 51 of 1951, as amended by Public Act 246 of 2016.
- Legislative Analysis: Enacted Road Funding Package Summary [185K] November 16, 2015. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a summary of the following bills in the road funding package passed by the House and Senate and enacted into law. The bills are House Bills: 4370, 4614, 4616, 4736, 4737, 4738 and Senate Bill 414.
- Legislative Analysis: Senate-Passed Road Funding Package [175K] November 3, 2015. Prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a summary of the road funding package passed by the Senate.
- Legislative Analysis: House Road Package - Preliminary Analysis [169K], October 21, 2015 prepared by Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, William Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director. This Legislative Analysis gives a preliminary analysis of the following bills that make up the House Road Package: House Bills 4370,4614,4616,4736,4737,4738, and Senate Bill 414.
- Fiscal Summary of House Road Package, [146K], June 8, 2015. This memorandum provides summary information on the estimated fiscal impacts of the bills included in the House road package: House Bills 4605 through 4616, as reported by the House Committee on Roads and Economic Development.
- Ballot Proposal 1 of 2015: Transportation Funding Package [151K], April 7, 2015. Prepared by Chris Couch, Associate Director, Jim Stansell, Senior Economist, Adam Derosiers, Economist, William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director and Kyle I. Jen, Deputy Director This is a brief summary of Ballot Proposal 1, the Transportation Funding Package.
- Fiscal Focus: State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service. [528K], March, 2015. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication reviews the constitutional and statutory authority for the Michigan Department of Transportation's bond program, as well as the recent history of bonds issued by the department and related debt service. This Fiscal Focus was updated in February 2019.
- Fiscal Forum: Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection [321K], November 14, 2014. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This publication gives detailed information on Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Methods of Tax Collection.
- Transportation Funding in Michigan [468K], August 2014. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This presentation was given at the Kalamazoo County Road Commission on Transportation Funding in Michigan.
- Registration Service and Regulatory Fees - House Bills 4632 and 4630 [100K] June 11, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo describes the fiscal impact of House Bills 4632 and 4630 amending various sections of the Michigan Vehicle Code to increase fee revenue and to change the distribution of certain fees.
- Vehicle Registration Taxes [568K] June 10, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses Vehicle Registration Taxes.
- Fiscal Focus: Financing Michigan's Transportation Network - The State Transportation Budget and Beyond [1,204K], April 15, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This Fiscal Focus discusses Financing Michigan's Transportation Network and the State Transportation Budget.
- Comprehensive Transportation Fund and State Support for Local Public Transit Agencies [200K], April 11, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo discusses the Comprehensive Transportation Fund and State Support for Local Public Transit Agencies. (Updated)
- State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service [94K], January 22, 2013. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst. This memo updates previous memos on state transportation borrowing and debt service based on actual debt service expenditures and bonded debt balances through September 30, 2012.
- Public Transit in Southeast Michigan: Public Transportation Providers/Regional Transportation Planning [41K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, November 2012.
- Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation [163K], September, 2012. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst This handout gives background information on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Transportation.
- Michigan's Return on Contributions to the Federal Highway Trust Fund [21K], prepared by William E. Hamilton, March 5, 2012. This memo is on Michigan's Return on Contributions to the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
- Federal-Aid Highway Funds in State Transportation Budget [433K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, Senior Fiscal Analyst, February 21, 2012. This Fiscal Forum publication provides information on the Federal-Aid Highway Funds in State Transportation Budget.
- Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Tax Collection [25K] February 6, 2012, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo provides background information on taxes imposed on motor fuels in Michigan.
- State Support for Aeronautics Programs [43K]. November 7, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on State Support for Aeronautics Programs in Michigan.
- Michigan's High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Projects [212K]. September 27, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on Michigan's High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Projects.
- Motor Fuel Taxes, Sales Tax on Motor Fuels, and Tax Collection [26K] May 20, 2011, Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo provides background information on taxes imposed on motor fuels in Michigan.
- Rail Passenger Service in Michigan [166K]. June 27, 2011. Prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo gives information on Rail Passenger Service in Michigan.
- Transportation Needs and Revenue Distribution Memo [1897K], December 3, 2010, prepared by William E. Hamilton.
- AMTRAK Service in Michigan including State Contract Options, August 19, 2010 [35K], prepared by William E. Hamilton. This memo discusses the AMTRAK Service in Michigan and State Contract Operations.
- State Transportation Borrowing and Debt Service [54K], April 22, 2010.
- Transportation Administration Collection Fund [74K], updated April 20, 2010. This memo provides information on the Transportation Administration Collection Fund (TACF) and its revenue shortfall.
- Interdepartmental Grants from State-Restricted Transportation Funds [46K], March 9, 2010. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Transportation-Related Programs within the 2009 Federal Stimulus Package - The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [79K]. Prepared by William E. Hamilton, April 8, 2009.
- Michigan Department of Transportation's 2008-2012 Five-Year Transportation Program, The [81K], May 1, 2008.
- Public Transit Systems in Southeast Michigan: DDOT, SMART, the RTCC, and DARTA [43K], February 19, 2008. This memo discusses the public agencies which provide and coordinate public transportation services in Southeast Michigan. The memo discusses the coordination of services between the two major transit agencies in Southeast Michigan, DDOT and SMART, as well as the broader issues related to regional public transportation. The memo also reviews recent legislative history.
- Act 51 Primer [772K], updated February 2007. Public Act 51 of 1951, known simply as "Act 51," governs state appropriations for most Michigan transportation programs, including state and local highway programs and state and local public transportation programs. This report was prepared as a primer on Act 51 and how Act 51 controls state transportation funding.
- Michigan Department of Transportation's 2007-2011 Five-Year Program, The [531K], February 6, 2007.
- Comprehensive Transportation Fund Revenue Issues [43K], updated April 27, 2006. This memo provides an overview of the Comprehensive Transportation Fund (CTF).
- State Support for Local Public Transit [35K], updated April 27, 2006. This memo provides information on state appropriations for public transportation programs.
- AMTRAK Service in Michigan and State Operating Subsidy [27K], July 13, 2005. Summary and background information on state operating subsidy for AMTRAK services in Michigan.
- I-75 Pavement Demonstration Project [20K], April 2005. This memo discusses a 1993 "European" pavement design demonstration project.
- Local Critical Bridge Fund Program [21K], March 16, 2004. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Michigan Department of Transportation Staffing Levels [49K], March 16, 2004. A memo to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation.
- Personal Service Contracts [282K], October 24, 2003. This memo reviews the statutory authority governing personal service contracts, controls over the contract procurement process, and legislative contract reporting requirements. This memo updates a House Fiscal Agency “Fiscal Focus” dated April 1998 on personal service contracts.
- Mackinac Bridge Bill Package: House Bills [138K], Mackinac Bridge Bill Package: Senate Bills [138K], June 30, 2003. These two memos summarize bills regarding the Mackinac Bridge.
- HB 4247 and HB 4248: 0.08% BAC and Federal Funding to Michigan Highway Programs [122K], May, 2003.
- Padden Amendment, The [117K], May 2003. The focus of this analysis is the so-called "Padden amendment," which was included in 1982 Public Act (PA) 438 amendments to 1951 PA 51, and set certain limitations on how the state Department of Transportation and county road commissions could spend state-restricted transportation revenue and federal highway aid.
- Preserve First [123K], April 24, 2003. This memo provides an overview of the Preserve First program. This program increases emphasis on the preservation of the state's transportation system.
- Transportation: Road Construction Warranties [48K], March 2001. This Forum examines the subject of road construction warranties and reviews legislative initiatives regarding road construction warranties, the use of road construction warranties by the Michigan Department of Transportation, and policy issues related to use of warranties.
- Transportation: Asset Management [42K], February 2001. This Forum discusses the general concept of asset management as well as specific asset management systems currently used by Michigan road agencies.
- Transportation Video: "Money in Motion: Michigan's State Transportation Budget", February 2000. This 17-minute video gives an overview of the major revenue sources and program areas in the state transportation budget. It also explains the relationship between Public Act 51 of 1951 and transportation spending, and also describes some of the issues related to rewriting Act 51. The video is available, at cost, by contacting the agency at 517-373-8080.
- Funding Public Transportation, Local Bus Operating Assistance and CTF Revenue (Fiscal Focus) [94K], January 2000.
FY 2023-24 Appropriation Bill Summaries
FY 2022-23 Appropriation Bill Summaries
FY 2021-22
FY 2020-21
FY 2019-20
FY 2018-19
FY 2017-18
FY 2016-17
FY 2015-16
FY 2014-15
FY 2013-14
FY 2012-13
FY 2011-12
FY 2010-11
Special Reports