Environmental Quality Archives

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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.

Questions on the following documents should be directed to Austin Scott. Fiscal Analyst for the Environmental Quality budget.


Budget Briefings


Line Item Summaries


Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2024-25 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2023-24 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2022-23 Appropriation Bill Summaries

FY 2021-22

FY 2010-11

(Combined Natural Resources and Environment)



Special Reports



    • Michigan Bottle Deposit Law Program [46K] May 22, 2012, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on the revenues to Michigan from the Michigan Bottle Deposit Law Program.


    • Wastewater Operator Certification Fee Proposal. [16K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Wastewater Operator Certification Fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
    • Solid Waste Surcharge Fee Proposal. [19K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Solid Waste Surcharge Fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.
    • Renewal Operating Permit (ROP) Fee Proposal. [16K] March 1, 2011, Prepared by Viola Bay Wild. This memo provides information on Air quality Program's Renewal Operating Permit (ROP) fee increase proposal that is part of the Governor's Executive Recommendation for FY 2011-12.


    • Michigan Gas and Oil Lease Revenue [21K], prepared by Viola Bay Wild, May 12, 2010. The following contains information concerning the revenue that is received by the State of Michigan from the sale of land oil and gas leases on state-owned lands.


    Subcommittee Testimony Archives

    Environmental Quality Testimony Archives (2014-2018)
