School Aid Archives
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Copies of the reports listed below may be obtained by contacting the office at 517.373.8080 or contacting Kathryn Bateson.
Questions on the following documents should be directed to Noel Benson and Jacqueline Mullen, Fiscal Analysts for the Education budget.
Budget Briefings
- FY 2021-22 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2020-21 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2019-20 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2018-19 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2017-18 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2016-17 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2015-16 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2014-15 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2013-14 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2012-13 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2011-12 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2010-11 School Aid Budget Briefing
- FY 2009-10 School Aid Budget Briefing
Line Item Summaries
- Line Item Summary FY 2023-24 [565K], prepared by Jacqueline Mullen and Noel Benson.
- Line Item Summary FY 2022-23 [456K], prepared by Jacqueline Mullen and Noel Benson.
- Line Item Summary FY 2021-22 [556K], prepared by Samuel Christensen, Jacqueline Mullen and Emily Hatch.
- Line Item Summary FY 2020-21 [446K], prepared by Samuel Christensen and Jacqueline Mullen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2019-20 [579K], prepared by Samuel Christensen and Jacqueline Mullen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2018-19 [639K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Samuel Christensen and Jacqueline Mullen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2017-18 [522K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Samuel Christensen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2016-17 [236K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Samuel Christenen.
- Line Item Summary FY 2015-16 [226K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2014-15 [114K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2013-14 [114K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2012-13 [95K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2011-12 [95K], prepared by Bethany Wicksall and Mark Wolf.
- Line Item Summary FY 2010-11 [100K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2009-10 [631K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2008-09 [560K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall. -
- Line Item Summary FY 2007-08 [567K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2006-07 [105K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2005-06 [180K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Line Item Summary FY 2004-05 [184K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings.
- Line Item Summary FY 2003-04 [314K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings.
- Line Item Summary FY 2002-03 [279K], prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Laurie Cummings.
Prior Appropriation Bill Summaries
FY 2024-25 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact - Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation
- School Aid Budget Bill, HB 5503 (H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee
- Summary: House Appropriations Committee Substitute
- School Aid Budget Bill, HB 5503 (H-2)
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- District Impact Report: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- District Impact: As Passed by the Senate
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 1, HB 5507 (H-1) CR-1
- District Impact: Conference Report
- Conference Report Decision Document, HB 5507(H-1)
- Summary: As Enacted, PA 120 of 2024, HB 5507 (Article 1)
- Conference Report Summary, HB 5503(H-2)
FY 2023-24 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact - Executive Recommendation
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 4286
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair’s Recommendation, House Bill 4286(H-1)
- District Impact Report – Chair’s Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee, House Bill 4286(H-1)
- District Impact Report – As Reported by House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- School Aid Budget Bill, HB 4286(H-2)
- District Impact Report: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House, HB 4286(2) as Amended
- School Aid District Impact, As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- District Impact Report: As Reported by Senate
- School Aid Section by Section: Conference Report
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 1, Senate Bill 173 (S-3) CR-1
- SB 173 Education Omnibus Conference Bill
- School Aid District Impact: Conference Report
- Summary: As Enacted, PA 103 of 2023, Senate Bill 173 (Article 1)
FY 2022-23 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District and ISD Impact: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 5795 (H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 5795 (H-2)
- District and ISD Impact: House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Reported by the House Appropriations Committee
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 5795(H-3)
- Summary: House Floor Substitute, House Bill 5795(H-4)
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 5795(H-4)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, As Amended
- District Impact Report: As Passed by the House, As Amended
- District Impact Report: As Enacted
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 832(S-2), As Amended
- Section by Section Highlights: As Passed by the Senate
- District Impact: As Passed by the Senate
- School Aid Section-By-Section Conference Report
- Summary: Conference Report, Article 1, Senate Bill 845(S-1) CR-1
- SB 845 Education Omnibus Conference Bill
- School Aid District Impact Report: As Enacted, PA 144 of 2022, Senate Bill 845
- School Aid Summary, Enacted with Vetoes, PA 144 of 2022, Senate Bill 845 (Article 1)
FY 2021-22
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair's Recommendation
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 4407 (H-2)
- Summary: As Reported by House Subcommittee
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 4407 (H-3)
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation and House Subcommittee
- District Impact: Passed House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- School Aid Budget Bill, House Bill 4407(H-4)
- District Impact: As Reported from House Appropriations Committee, House Bill 4407 (H-4)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4407 (H-4) as Amended
- District Impact: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 83 (S-3) as Amended
- School Aid Section by Section Highlights, HB 4411 (H-2)
- Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4411 (H-2) as Amended
- Summary: As Enrolled, House Bill 4411(S-1)
- Summary: Enacted with Vetoes, Public Act 48 of 2021, House Bill 4411
- District Impact Report: As Enacted, House Bill 4411
- Section by Section Highlights: Senate Revised
FY 2020-21
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Section by Section Highlights: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: Conference Report
- Section by Section Highlights: Conference Report
- Summary: Enacted PA 165 of 2020 (SB 927, Article 1)
FY 2019-20
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: House Subcommittee Chair Recommendation, HB 4242 (H-1)
- Summary: As Reported by the House Subcommittee, HB 4242(H-3)
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation and House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee,
House Bill 4242(H-3) - Summary: As Passed by the House, House Bill 4242(H-3)
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, Senate Bill 146(S-3)
- Summary: Conference Report, House Bill 4242 (H-3) CR-1*
- Section by Section Highlights: Conference Report, House Bill 4242 (H-3) CR-1*
- District Impact - Conference Report, House Bill 4242(H-3) CR-1*
- Summary: Enacted with Vetoes and Ad Board Transfers, House Bill 4242, Public Act 58 of 2019
- District Impact: FY 2019-20, Enacted with Vetoes
Fiscal Year 2018-19
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Passed by House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by the House Appropriations Committee, HB 5579(H-1), Article 1, as Amended
- Summary: As Passed by the House, HB 5579(H-1), Article 1, as Amended
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary: Senate Bill 863 CR-1
- Foundation Allowance Report
- Section by Section Highlights - Conference Report
- HB 5579(H-1) CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
Fiscal Year 2017-18
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- District Impact: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- District Impact: House Subcommittee
- District Impact: Executive, House and Senate Comparison
- Summary: As Passed by the House, Article 1, HB 4313(H-1) as Amended
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate, SB 149(S-1) as Amended
- HB 4313(H-1) CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- HB 4313(H-1) CR-1 District Impact Conference Report
- HB 4313(H-1) CR-1 Conference, Section by Section Highlights
Fiscal Year 2016-17
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- School Aid FY 2016-17 Foundation Allowances: House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by the House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary - SB 796
- Section by Section Highlights - SB 796(S-2) CR-1
Fiscal Year 2015-16
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate
- Conference Report Summary
- District Impact: Conference Report
- School Aid Section by Section Highlights: Conference Report
- Summary: School Aid Supplemental - FY 2015-16, Senate Bill 134(H-1) as Enrolled
Fiscal Year 2014-15
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Foundation Allowances Increases - Executive Recommendation, FY 2014-15
- Summary: As Passed House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Reported by House Appropriations Committee
- Summary: As Passed by the House
- District Impact - HB 5314 - As Passed the House
- Senate Bill 775: Conference Report Summary
- HB 5314(H-2) CR-1 Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary
- School Aid FY 2014-15 District Impact Report
- School Aid FY 2014-15 Section by Section, PA 116 of 2014: HB 5314
Fiscal Year 2013-14
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Reported from House Subcommittee
- Summary: As Passed the Senate
- SB 182: Conference Report Summary
- School Aid Section-By-Section Highlights, FY 2013-14, HB 4228 (H-1) As Amended and SB 182 (S-1) As Amended and SB 182 (CR-1)
- SB 182: CR-1* As Amended - FY 2013-14 School Aid Budget - Estimated District Impact
- Education Omnibus Budget Conference Report Summary, HB 4228 (H-1) CR-1
FY 2012-13 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- School Aid Section-By-Section Highlights FY 2012-13 Decision Document
- Education Omnibus Conference Report Summary: HB 5372 (CR-1)
- House Subcommittee Recommendation - House Bill 5388(H-1) Draft 1
- Summary: As Passed by the House - HB 5372 (H-1) As Amended
- Summary: As Passed by the Senate - SB 961
- Conference Report Summary - SB 961(S-2) CR-1*
- Decision Document: As Passed by the House and Senate
FY 2011-12 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- HB 4325: District/ISD Estimated Impact: As Adopted by Conference Committee [137K], May 26, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Conference Report Decision Document: HB 4325 [91K], May 25, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Conference Report Summary: HB 4325 Education Omnibus May 26, 2011.
- Summary: HB 4325 As Passed the House [65K], May 5, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
- Summary: Executive Recommendation [332K], March 3, 2011. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
FY 2010-11 Appropriation Bill Summaries
- SB 1163
- Summary: Executive Recommendation
- Summary: As Passed the Senate
- Section-by-Section Highlight: As Passed the House
- Summary: As Passed the House
- The Michigan School Aid Act Compiled and Appendices [1,289K] November 2006. In the 1994-95 state fiscal year, the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies jointly published a document relating to the School Aid Act. This document continues the tradition by combining the Michigan School Aid Act Compiled with a set of appendices that describe the Foundation Allowance approach that is now central to Michigan's funding of public schools.
Fiscal Year 2010-11 Supplementals
- HB 4860: Enrolled Summary [114K], September 30, 2010.
- HB 5872: Enrolled Summary [738K], October 1, 2010.
- HB 5887: Enacted Summary [245K], December 3, 2010.
SB 1163: Fiscal Year 2009-10 and Fiscal Year 2010-11
- Summary: Executive Recommendation [43K], February 18, 2010. Summary: As Passed the Senate
- [47K], March 24, 2010.
- Summary: As Passed the House [57K], May 26, 2010.
- Section-by-Section Highlights [83K], June 30, 2010.
- Summary: Conference Report [68K], June 30, 2010.
HB 4447 FY 2009-10
- Summary: (CR-2) Conference Report (10/13/09)
- Conference Report Reductions by Districts and ISDs (10/13/09)
- Section-by-Section Highlights - Conference (10/13/09)
- Summary: (H-1) As Passed the House
- Summary: (S-1) As Passed the Senate
HB 4721 FY 2008-09 School Aid Supplemental
- Summary: (H-2) As Passed the House (6/09)
- Summary: (S-1) As Passed the Senate (6/09)
- Summary: As Enacted (8/09)
- FY 2008-09 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS (School Aid) Summary: House Bill 4721 as Enacted, Public Act 73 of 2009 [33K], August 31, 2009. Prepared by Mary Ann Cleary and Bethany Wicksall.
SB 1107 FY 2008-09 Conference Report 6/17/08
HB 4359 FY 2007-08 Conference Report Summary 10/30/07
- Conference Report Summary [53K]
- School Aid Transportation (Sec. 77) Impact (Governor Vetoed) [17K]
- School Aid District Impact [55K]
- Section by Section Highlight (revised 11/20/07) [108K]
SB 773 (PA 92 of 2007) School Aid Continuation Budget
- Summary [35K]
HB 4359 FY 2007-08 As Passed the House 8/22/07
- Summary [59K]
- ESTIMATED Impact of K-12 Proposals (Foundation, Equity Declining Enrollment and Transportation) by District, FY 2007-08, House Bill 4359 (H-1) Draft 2 [88K]
- Section-by-Section Highlights [103K]
HB 4359 FY 2007-08 As Passed Full Committee 8/22/07
- Summary [59K]
- ESTIMATED Impact of K-12 Proposals (Foundation, Equity Declining Enrollment and Transportation) by District, FY 2007-08, House Bill 4359 (H-1) Draft 2 [88K]
- SB 221 (H-3) School Aid FY 2006-07 Supplemental [36K], as passed the House, April 17, 2007
HB 4359 FY 2007-08 House Subcommittee 4/4/07
- Summary [57K]
- ESTIMATED Impact of K-12 Proposals (Foundation, Equity and Declining Enrollment) by District FY 2007-08, House Subcommittee: House Bill 4359 (H-1) Draft A [87K]
- HB 4359: Proposed FY 2007-08 Distribution of Foundation Allowance Formula Estimated by District Impact, by County [58K]
- HB 4359: Proposed Transportation Formula Per Pupil [20K]
- The Michigan School Aid Act Compiled and Appendices [1,289K] November 2006. In the 1994-95 state fiscal year, the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies jointly published a document relating to the School Aid Act. This document continues the tradition by combining the Michigan School Aid Act Compiled with a set of appendices that describe the Foundation Allowance approach that is now central to Michigan's funding of public schools.
Special Reports
- Detroit Public Schools Budget Trends [187K], October 25, 2015 prepared by Bethany Wicksall, Associate Director. This memorandum provides a summary of Detroit Public Schools' (DPS) current fiscal situation, a summary of historical trends in the district's budget, as well as a brief history of the changes in the district's budget authority and governance.
Subcommittee Testimony Archives
School Aid Subcommittee Testimony Archives - 2016