06/24/2024 to 06/28/2024
10:00 AM
House Session Floor, State Capitol Building, Lansing, MI

09:00 AM
Room 1100, Binsfeld Office Building 201 Townsend Street Lansing, MI 48933
  • JCAR 24-11 (MOAHR No. 2023-077 ED) Department of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction – Teacher and School Administrator Evaluation Tools. JCAR 24-12 (MOAHR No. 2023-079 ED) Department of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction – Teacher Certification Code. JCAR 24-18 (MOAHR 2023-076 ED) Department of Education Superintendent of Public Instruction Special Education Programs and Services. JCAR 24-19 (MOAHR 2023-078) Department of Education Superintendent of Public Instruction School Social Worker Certification Code.

Conference Committee on HB5507
Stream Not Available

09:15 AM
Senate Appropriations, State Capitol Building, Lansing, MI
  • HB 5507 (Rep. Regina Weiss) Appropriations: school aid; fiscal year 2024-2025 omnibus appropriations for K-12 school aid, higher education, and community colleges; provide for.

10:00 AM
House Session Floor, State Capitol Building, Lansing, MI

12:01 AM
House Session Floor, State Capitol Building, Lansing, MI

Conference Committee on HB5507
Stream Not Available

12:05 AM
Senate Appropriations, State Capitol Building, Lansing, MI
  • HB 5507 (Rep. Regina Weiss) Appropriations: school aid; fiscal year 2024-2025 omnibus appropriations for K-12 school aid, higher education, and community colleges; provide for.